题名 |
蔡元定之尚書學及其相關問題之研究 |
并列篇名 |
Cai Yuan-ding's Study of Shang-shu and Some Related Issues |
10.7060/KNUJ.200412.0173 |
作者 |
蔡根祥(Ken-Hsiang Tsai) |
关键词 |
蔡元定 ; 尚書 ; 洪範 ; 蔡沈 ; 夏僎 ; 西山 ; Cai Yuan-ding ; Shang Shu ; Hung Fan ; Cai Chen ; Xia Zhuan ; Xi Shan |
期刊名称 |
高雄師大學報 |
卷期/出版年月 |
17期(2004 / 12 / 01) |
页次 |
173 - 196 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
南宋西山蔡元定為朱晦翁高弟,紫陽呼為「老友」;其子蔡沈受其師朱熹之囑,窮十二年之功,注成《書集傳》;此書既成,即成晦翁尚書學說之代表,亦為晦翁學派有關《尚書》 見解之所宗。元朝科舉考試書經之考題,即以《書集傳》之注說為準;自而以後,逮於明、清,雖稍有修訂,然猶以之為則。而《書集傳》之作,仲默於序中雖言本於師說者,不復識別,然事實亦頗參其父西山家學,此則仲默所未嘗言之也。 考元定之學,秉承家學,究心於邵康節,以律呂,象數名家,宋元學案以之立有西山學案,而彼亦有《尚書洪範解》之作,見於著錄,然今已失傳;朱熹亦嘗輯錄與元定問答之辭成《翁季錄》,借亦不傳,無以知其尚書學之面貌;彼亦自謂曾與夏僎講《尚書》,夏僎未嘗言及;而其子仲默《書集傳》之作,亦頗參其父家學,然仲默未嘗言之,故亦不得知其學說對《書集傳》之影響如何;至於其學說之淵源及有否傳授與發展,亦無有論之者。今就宋、元諸家著述中,輯集其《尚書》學說之佚文片語,以考其《尚書》學說之特色、淵源,並以見其學說與朱熹學說之互動,對蔡沈《書集傳 之影響,以及與夏僎《尚書詳解》之關係。 |
英文摘要 |
Cai Yuan-ding (蔡元定), a Sung scholar known in many documents as Xi Shan Gong (西山公), was one of the best students of Zhu Xi (朱熹) . He was even called by Zhu Xi as 'my best friend.' Cai Chen (蔡沈), the son of Yuan-ding, after twelve years' effort, had completed Shu Ji-Zhuan (書集傳) (Collected Commentaries on Shu-Jing) as a professional work representative of Zhu Xi's interpretation of Shang-Shu (尚書) and was later decreed by the Yuan, Ming, and Qing governments to be the standard edition in the civic service examination. Although Cai Chen did not mention his father's contribution in what he wrote in this masterpiece, by only emphasizing the precepts of Master Zhu, he had in fact inherited some important family scholarship from his father. Yuan-ding continued his family tradition, excelling in the image-number (xiang-shu 象數) approach of world-system studies and being especially fond of Shao Yung's (邵雍) cosmology. Besides being known as an expert in musical theory, he was also specialized in Shang Shu Studies. It is regrettable that his Shang-Shu Hung-fan Jie (洪範解) (Explanations of 'Hung-fan' in Shang Shu) and the collected conversations between Zhu Xi and him on Shang Shu (Wong-Ji lu 翁季錄) were both missed, making it quite difficult to know what was Yuan-ding's understanding of Shang Shu. Also Xia Zhuan (夏僎) and his own son, Chen, both left no written record about the teaching-learning events between Yuan-ding and them, making it uncertain whether or not Yuan-ding had really influenced the Shang Shu studies by that time and in the accomplishment of Shu Ji-Zhuan. The aim of his paper is to make up for this inadequacy by collecting and explicating the miscellaneous and fragmented words and phrases, which were still left in the works of Sung and Yuan dynasties. |
主题分类 |
人文學 >
人文學綜合 人文學 > 藝術 社會科學 > 教育學 社會科學 > 管理學 |
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