


The Validity and Meaning of Doctrine of Musical-Rhetorical Figures




陳希茹(Hsi-Ju Chen)


音樂修辭學 ; 巴洛克時期 ; 音樂理論 ; 牧歌 ; Doctrine of Musical-Rhetorical Figures ; Baroque era ; Music theory ; Madrigal




17期(2004 / 12 / 01)


197 - 212




「音樂修辭學」(Doctrine of musical-rhetorical figures)為16世紀末至18世紀後期重要的音樂理論之一。16世紀由於受到人文主義的影響,音樂與修辭學的關係日趨緊密。1601年左右,德國音樂理論家Joachim Burmeister將當時一些較特殊的作曲手法或音型,配上修辭學中的語彙,有系統地整理出第一部音樂修辭學著作Musica autoschediastike。這部著作同時也開創了往後德國近兩百年的音樂修辭學傳統。然而,這個涵蓋了整個巴洛克時期的理論傳統在音樂史學的研究上並沒有受到應有的重視,原因在於它的作者們皆來自德奧語系國家,遂導致部分音樂學者對其適用性的質疑,進而也影響了它在整個音樂歷史發展上的定位與意義。所以在本文裡,筆者將以義大利牧歌與法國香頌為例,驗證音樂修辭學並非只是德國地方性的現象,並藉由對其內容的探討,突顯其在音樂歷史上所代表的意義: (一)人文主義的影響,(二)巴洛克風格的呈現,(三)兼具理論與實用性,(四) 在器樂曲發展中的重要性。


Doctrine of Musical-Rhetorical Figures is one of the most. dominant music theories in the era between the end of 16 (superscript th) century and 18 (superscript th) century. Under the influence of humanism in 16 (superscript th) century music and rhetoric have more and more converged. Embedding rhetoric words in composing art, the German music theoretician Joachim Burmeister has systematically edited the first work of this doctrine, i.e. MUSICA AUTOSCHEDISATIKE about 1601, which gave birth to the tradition of German doctrine of musical-rhetorical figures for the subsequent two hundred years. Nonetheless, this theoretical heritage infiltrating the whole Baroque era is still kept more or less out of the concerned domain in which it should be invited by studying music-history oriented faculty. The grounds are that this doctrine was and still is by German-language and German theoretician dominated so that its universality, i.e. academic validity is discredited for some music theoreticians. In this way, its academic position and meaning are lost in the stream of music history. In this paper, the author is trying then to give some evidence through Italian Madrigal and French Chanson as objects in the aim to falsify that the Doctrine of Musical-Rhetorical Figures can just be characterized as German regionalism and local phenomenon. Besides, its following music-historic position and meaning can therefore be emphasized and clarified by exploring its contents and materials in a more intensive and deeper way: 1. the influence by humanism; 2. the presentation of Baroque style; 3. the cohabitation of theory and practice; 4. its dominance on development of instrumental music.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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