


A Study on Appraisal of Elementary School Teachers' Practical Intelligence




李新民(Hsing-Ming Lee);陳密桃(Mi-Tao Chen);莊鳳茹(Feng-Ju Chuang)


國小教師 ; 實用智能 ; 情境判斷測驗 ; elementary school teachers ; practical intelligence ; situational judgment test




17期(2004 / 12 / 01)


75 - 96




本研究旨在參考情境判斷測驗形式,自編「國小教師實用智能量表」來評量國小教師的實用智能。研究者以分層隨機取樣378位高雄地區國小教師,接受「國小教師實用智能量表」施測。蒐集所得實證資料以項目分析、 Cronbach's α、單題與總分相關、探索性及驗證性因素分析等統計方法來分析處理。根據驗證性因素分析結果,實證資料尚且支持國小教師實用智能的假設模式,兩者適配良好,初步發現實用智能的因素結構包括環境適應、塑造、選擇三構面。一般而言,國小教師在實用智能的三構面中,以適應環境的實用智能表現較佳。而多變量變異數分析結果顯示影響國小教師實用智能最主要的背景變項是服務年資以及取得師資的背景,服務年資較久以及師範校院培育的國小教師之實用智能較佳。根據研究發現,研究者建議:1.國小可運用「國小教師實用智能量表」去甄選人才,從而建立實用智能取向的人力資源管理制度。2.國小教師可根據「國小教師實用智能量表」內容作為提升自己實務能力之參考。3.師資培育機構可規劃實用智能課程,實施實用智能教學以培育具備實用智能的國小教師。


The main purpose of this study was to construct a Elementary School Teachers Practical Intelligence Scale (ESTPIS) for appraisal of elementary school teachers practical intelligence (PI) by using situational judgment test (SJT). The study employed a stratified random sampling method and selected totally 378 elementary school teachers in the Kaohsiung area, Taiwan. Each elementary school teacher was administered ESTPIS appraising practical intelligence. Through statistical methods such as item analysis, Cronbach's α, item-total correlation, exploratory factors analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, we analyzed all the information we got. By utilizing second order confirmatory factor analysis to examine the hypothesized model, we found that goodness of fit is acceptable. The factor structure of PI includes dimensions of environmental adaptation, selection and shaping. In general, elementary school teachers' PI of environmental adaptation showed optimum, and environmental selection, shaping in proper order. According to MANOVA, teachers' teaching experience and qualification as an elementary school education teacher resulted in significant differences in their practical intelligence. Based on the above resultants, this study had provided some suggestions for elementary schools' teachers human management, teachers' PI development, and PI course planning of teachers educational institution.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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