


A Study of Core Competence as an Adult Educator on the Knowledge Management and the Relationship among Competence, Performance and Training Needs




胡夢鯨(Meng-Ching Hu);蕭佳純(Chia-Chun Hsiao);林幸璇(Hsing-Hsuan Lin)


成人教育教師 ; 知識管理核心能力 ; 教學績效 ; 培訓需求 ; Adult educators ; core competence of knowledge management ; teaching performance ; training needs




18期(2005 / 06 / 01)


23 - 43




本研究主要有五項目的:1.建構成人教育教師知識管理核心能力指標、內涵與權重;2.應用前述指標與權重,探討成人教育教師在知識管理核心能力上的實際表現;3.了解成人教育教師的知識管理核心能力表現與教學績效的關係;4.了解成人教育教師知識管理核心能力培訓現況與需求;5.根據研究結果提出具體的建議,供未來改進成人教育教師培訓制度之參考。 本研究首先採用文獻分析的方法,探討成人教育教師知識管理核心能力相關概念與教學績效的相關研究,並建構成人教育教師知識管理核心能力指標,然後應用問卷調查法,依據前述指標與權重,探討成人教育教師在知識管理核心能力上的實際表現,及其表現與教學績效的關係,進而分析成人教育教師知識管理核心能力培訓現況與需求。 本研究的結果,建構出成人教育教師在知識管理核心能力方面的五大構面、三十五項指標,發現了成人教育教師在知識管理核心能力上的實際表現,以傳播知識的能力表現最佳,成人教育教師的知識管理核心能力表現與教學績效有顯著的關係,成人教育教師對知識管理核心能力的培訓有高度的需求。


The purposes of the study are: 1). to construct the indicators of core competence of knowledge management for adult educators; 2) to use those indicators to explore the real performance of adult educators; 3) to understand the relation between the competence and adult educator's teaching performance; 4) to analyze the training needs on the basis of the core competence developed by the study. The study first analyzed the relevant literature concerning the knowledge management concepts and practices. Based on the review of literature, a set of indicators regarding adult educators' core competence on the knowledge management was constructed. Finally, a questionnaire was formulated to investigate the current status of adult educators' core competence and its relationship with their teaching performance. The study results included 35 indicators of core competence on the knowledge management for adult educators. Findings of the study revealed that the relationship between core competence and the adult educators' teaching performance was significant. The study also found that adult educators' training needs on those indicators are pressing.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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