


Collections of Poems in Ming Dynasty: Analyses and Discussions on Maoching's/Sixty Maestros' Poems in Song Dynasty/




陶子珍(Tzu-Chen Tao)


明代 ; 詞選 ; 詞集叢編 ; 毛晉 ; 宋六十名家詞 ; Ming Dynasty ; poem selections ; poem collections and engravings ; Maoching ; Sixty Maestros' Poems in Song Dynasty




19期(2005 / 12 / 01)


51 - 67






The many versions of Sixty Maestros' Poems in Song Dynasty, edited by Maoching in Ming Dynasty, are the result of different timings of engraving and distribution at the time. According to a book by Mao in Jiguge, Yushan, which vas engraved towards the end of Ming Dynasty (in the times of Chongzhen). Sixty Maestros' Poems in Song Dynasty collected sixty-one poets' works, all of which ere compiled into ninety-one parts and six volumes. Other than the sixth volume which included eleven poets works, the rest of this set of books gathered only ten poets' poems in each volume. This collection is currently stored in National Library in Taipei. Taiwan. The situation of compilation and selection can be summarized in the following to ideas: (1) without choosing, Maoching simply gathered whichever poems lie could find: (2) after a textual research and critique, Maoching corrected mistakes and typos in these poetic works. However, because of the comprehensiveness and its consequent disorder involved in the editing, Maoching's effort vas criticized as being unfocused and unstructured. But Maoching did spare no pain in gathering the poets' works, publishing these poets' poems, and making their works known to the later generations, which vas especially significant in the context of the later-day revived celebration of poems in the beginning of Ching Dynasty. For example, Pengun Wang's Poems Engraved at Szhaiin. Xiaozang Zhu's Qiancwen Books and Changshou Wu and Xian Tao's A Copy of Poems in Song, Jing, Yuan and Ming were all important engravings and publications of poems after Maoching's Sixty Maestros' Poems in Song Dynasty, and they v ere all deeply indebted to this crucial poem collection of Maoching's.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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