


A Study of the Influence of Nursery Rhymes on Children's Phonological Awareness in Taiwan




方金雅(Chin-Yia Fang);蘇姿云(Tzu-Yun Su)


幼兒 ; 童謠教學 ; 聲韻覺識 ; children ; nursery rhymes ; phonological awareness




19期(2005 / 12 / 01)


1 - 19






The purpose of this study vas to explore the three-year-old children's abilities of phonological awareness, as well as the influence of nursery rhymes on children's phonological awareness. The participants were 36 children at a preschool in Taiwan. They were divided into to groups. One vas the experimental group and the other vas the waiting controlled group. Those in the experimental group accepted twenty-hour experimental teaching of nursery rhymes. When the teaching in the experimental group ended, the same twenty-hour teaching vas implemented in the waiting controlled group. Before the experimental teaching, all the children had the pre-tests. Both the children in the experimental group and those in the waiting controlled group had the post-tests separately after the twenty-hour nursery rhymes teaching. There were two important findings in the results. First, the three-year-old children had little development in phonological awareness tests, initial consonant tests, rhyming tests, and tone awareness tests before the experimental teaching. Second, after the experimental treatment of nursery rhymes teaching, the children made a significant progress in the rhyming tests and tone awareness tests.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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