


The Discourse of the Horse's Image in Li Ho's Poems




謝明輝(Ming-Hui Hsieh)


李賀 ; 中唐 ; 馬詩二十三首 ; Li Ho ; Middle-Tang ; 23 Poems about Horses




20期(2006 / 06 / 01)


39 - 54




李賀是中唐時代中最奇特的詩人。可說是詩人中的天才,卻早早離開了人間。他所留下的組詩中,以〈馬詩二十三首〉這組最能反映其個人及時代政治概況。清王琦《李長吉歌詩匯解》稱:「〈馬詩二十三首〉,俱是借題抒意,或美、或譏、或悲、或惜,大抵於當時所聞見之中各有所比。言馬也,而意初不在馬矣。」所謂借題抒意,是抒發內心何意乎?此為筆者所欲探討之主題。 筆者打破組詩原有順序結構,試圖一窺組詩內涵和李賀生命歷程之關聯。當分析〈馬詩二十三首〉之內蘊時,我們將不難發現,這一組詩可分為三類:一、負才自恃之豪情,二、困頓失意之悲吟,三、小人得志之喟嘆,恰可反映其生命歷程由誇己才→才不遇→遇小人;層層遞進,心境變化則是喜→悲→慘悲,逐層加深其內心之憤慨。


Li Ho was the most extraordinary poet of the Middle-Tang Dynasty. He was, so to speak, the outstanding one among many poets. Regretfully, his life was too short. 23 Poems about Horses, one of the poems he left, could reflect his personal and political situations. Ching's Wang Chi《Li Chang Chi's explanation for songs and poems》 said: ”23 Poems about Horses expresses the author's intentions through various topics. Each of them is either beautiful, or ironic, or sad, or concise The materials for expression are from what could be seen and heard at that time. When it comes to horses, the ideas are not concerned with them.” What on earth are the so-called ”intentions trough various topics”? This is what I want to study and research into in this paper. I scramble the original set of the poems' structure, trying to find out the connection between the set of the poems and Li Ho's course of life. When analyzing the meaning of 23 Poems about Horses, We find that the set of poems could be divided into three parts: the lofty sentiments with talented pride and self-reliance; the chant for exhaustibility and frustration; the sigh about personal success. On the other hand, they reflect the course of life in the following order: the talent's pride the→ talent's neglect→ Mean person's hindrance. The change of his spirit is like this: happiness→ sadness→ miserable sadness. The sadder he is, the more resentful he feels.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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