


A Survey of the Overall Conditions, Characteristics and Difficulties of the Implementation of Life-Education in Universities and Colleges in Taiwan




張新仁(Shin-Jen Chang);張淑美(Shu-Mei Chang);魏慧美(Huei-Mei Wei);丘愛鈴(Ai-Ling Chiu)


大專校院 ; 生命教育 ; life education ; universities ; colleges




21期(2006 / 12 / 01)


1 - 24




本研究旨在瞭解大專校院推動生命教育的現況、特色與遭遇困境,並分享各校推動生命教育的寶貴經驗。具體目的有三: 一、瞭解全國大專校院推動生命教育的現況及特色。 二、瞭解各大專校院推動生命教育遭遇的困境。 三、根據研究結果,提供大專校院推廣生命教育的參考模式。 本研究主要探取問卷調查法蒐集資料,包含行政組織經費環境方面、目標及推動人力方面、活動方面、課程與教學方面及實施特色、困境及建議方面等情形。以全國165所公私立大專校院為研究對象,調查資料用次數分配及百分比統計並歸納開放問題的填答資料。研究發現大專校院除了已開設生命教育相關系所以及某些宗教傳統學校所辦理的生命教育活動較具特色外,大部分學校所填答的生命教育活動,雖看是豐富,仍有和訓輔工作重疊之處。整體而言,大專校院生命教育的推廣仍有許多發展空間,根據研究結果與發現,提出若干建議,俾供教育主管行政機關及大專校院之參考。


This study aims to investigate the overall conditions, characteristics and difficulties of the implementation of Life-Education in universities and colleges in Taiwan. The purposes of the study are as follows: 1. To investigate the overall conditions, characteristics of the implementation of Life-Education in universities and colleges in Taiwan. 2. To explore any difficulties the universities and colleges have faced when they implement Life-Education. 3. To propose suggestions on practical models of the implementation of Life-Education for universities and colleges in Taiwan. The subjects of this study were educators (directors, section chiefs, and teachers) from 165 universities and colleges in Taiwan. Data are processed and analyzed with statistics of frequency distribution, percentage and the method of content-analysis. According to the findings, we propose some suggestions as reference for educational authorities, universities and colleges.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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