


Using Visual Narratives to Investigate Science Teacher's Teaching Decisions: A Case Study of one Compulsory Education Advisory Group Member




李松濤(Sung-Tao Lee);林煥祥(Huann-Shyang Lin);洪振方(Jeng-Fung Hung)


視覺敘事 ; 教學決策 ; 國教輔導員 ; 教學信念 ; visual narrative ; teaching decisions ; compulsory education advisor ; teaching beliefs




23期(2007 / 12 / 01)


77 - 98






By focusing on a compulsory education advisory group member in the field of science, who is also an elementary science teacher, the purpose of this study is intended to use visual narratives to explore her teaching decisions. The implication of the case teacher selection in this study was first discussed, and then the importance of the redefinition of teaching decisions is demonstrated through literature review. Afterwards, the theoretical basis of visual narratives and its applications are investigated, and finally the research framework of this study is established. The results show that this case teacher's teaching in this ”force and motion” unit can be divided into three stages as tacit agreement building, inquiry activity and product creation during which periods the effective communication, context arrangement and creative product design are emphasized from the perspective of ”problem diagnosis and perception”. From the perspective of ”action selection and implementation”, ”question posing” and ”discussion/presentation/evaluation” are the two most used teaching actions. Her teaching beliefs reveal that she thinks highly of students' emulation, reflection and self-assessment abilities and she also hopes that students can learn some basic inquiry abilities and can understand the process of inquiry in those inquiry activities she arranged.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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