


From the Vision Effective Viewpoint to Explore the Calligraphy Aesthetics Yen Chen-ching's on Lamentation for My Nephew




陳靜琪(Chin-Chi Chen)


顏真卿 ; 視覺效果 ; 篆法 ; 立體 ; 空間 ; Yen Chen-ching ; visual effects ; the seal type ; three-dimension ; space




25期(2008 / 12 / 01)


25 - 48




唐代是中國書法史上關鍵性的時代。她不僅創造至今仍無法超越的楷法極則,形成楷書的黃金時期,另外,由於南帖的發展,其行草的成就,亦頗為可觀。著名的書家非常多,其中顏魯公即是楷、行均所擅長,在書法史上具有承先啟後地位的偉大書家。魯公書上取篆法,以圓筆藏鋒,使轉頓挫特為繁複,而結體寬博雄強,其與當時書家或取之鍾王,或脫胎分隸,表現鋒芒畢露,勢盡則止的筆勢不同。宋代蔡襄、蘇軾、黃庭堅、米芾四家之筆法,皆深受其影響。 顏魯公行草風格遒勁秀挺,古意盎然,著名的《祭姪文稿》、《爭坐位帖》、《送 蔡明遠帖》、《送劉使君帖》、《送裴將軍詩帖》,真跡尚存,均是書法史上的烜赫鉅作。其中《祭姪文稿》乃顏魯公行草書之代表作,其筆畫線條、字體結構、墨色變化、章法布局之表現形式,在視覺上,於二度空間的紙面,表現凹凸、敧斜、疏密、前躍、後退之三度空間的立體效果,充滿變化,美不勝收。因此,本文從視覺效果的觀點,以《祭姪文稿》為考察對象,研析其表現形式所呈具的空間美感。文分五部分,除前言、結語之外,另包括顏魯公生平概略、書學淵源、《祭姪文稿》空間美感分析及生命內涵。


Tang Dynasty was a prime period when calligraphy was fully developed in the Chinese history. There were many famous calligraphers in this time. Yen Chen-ching was one of the greatest influential calligraphers. In Yen's times, most of the calligraphers imitated the handwriting of Chung Yao and Wang Hsi-shih or adopted the clerical style strokes. Therefore, the handwriting was sharp and overpowering, not deep and profound. Yen Chen-ching's handwriting was different from other calligraphers. He picked up the round strokes in the seal type and exhibited complicated skills on the twists and turns of strokes, and so his handwriting was magnificent and sophisticated. It is not until Sung Dynasty did the handwriting of Tsai Hsiang, Su Shih, Huang Ting-chien, and Mi Fu reflect the influence of Yen Chen-ching. Generally, Yen Chen-ching had a great achievement in the standard style of calligraphy, and his running style handwriting was also influential. His Lamentation for My Nephew was a representative masterpiece. It shows not only his true and sincere love, but also a delicate, powerful, and poetic beauty. From visual space, color, density, three-dimensional space, lines on the body, and its overall arrangement, Yen Chen-ching's works displayed visval aesthetics and creativity. This article presents a brief introduction to Yen Chen-ching, characteristics of Yen's calligraphy, analysis of beauty of visual space in Lamentation for My Nephew, and its life implication.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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