


Black or White?-A Deconstructive Reading of Toni Morrison's the Bluest Eye




姚慧美(Hui-Mei Yao)


達西達 ; 異同 ; 二元對立 ; 倒置的 ; 黑人 ; 白人 ; Derrida ; difference ; binary oppositions ; inverted ; black ; white




25期(2008 / 12 / 01)


49 - 70




本文試以解構主義大師達西達(Derrida)之重要概念difference(“異同”),該詞意含“區分”及“延遲”雙重意義,深入探討及分析默理遜小說《湛藍的眼睛》所呈現之二元對立。該書描述一位五歲的黑人小女孩,渴慕擁有一雙像白人一樣的藍眼睛,而該小說中所呈現的倒立和錯置之世界,突顯黑人逐漸吸取歐美白人之主流價值,最終將內化後的白人正統價值觀,加諸於黑人社會中的弱小者。 作者指出將達西達之“異同”概念應用於默理遜之小說,不僅顛覆了傳統之二元論述,並證明達西達的主張,對於任何文本中所呈現之意義,實為不肯定、不確定的;而默氏之偉大,亦在於其作品游刃於結構主義及後結構主義兩者之間。


This paper provides an in-depth discussion of Morrison's first novel, The Bluest Eye, which applied Derrida's deconstruction, particularly the janus-faced and double-sided idea of différence, implying difference and postponement. It intends to tackle a binary opposition of The Bluest Eye for a five-year old black girl. Built upon an inverted world, The Bluest Eye demonstrates how African Americans gradually and eventually immerse and assimilate themselves to the white European standards by imposing the so-called white norm to the less fortunate of their own race, the black and weak Pecola. The author found that Morrison's novel applied Derrida's binary oppositions, unfixed and unfinalized notions. As well, Morrison works, linking both structuralism and post-structuralism prove to be one of the greatest African-American literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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