


The Study of the Effects of Learning Trajectories Designing and Teaching Experiment on Elementary School Students' Area Formulation Conception Developed




陳嘉皇(Jia-Huang Chen)


面積概念公式 ; 電腦教學 ; 學習軌道理論 ; Area formulation conception ; CAI ; theory of learning trajectories




25期(2008 / 12 / 01)


103 - 124




本研究旨在利用學習軌道理論融入面積概念公式發展電腦資訊學習素材,並與一般課室使用之教科書進行課程與教學產出效力之比較,探討學童在虛擬操作教學情境面積概念解題的表現。研究採用「前-後測不等組設計」之準實驗研究法,進行電腦與一般教學效果比較。教學前、後進行解題成就測驗,運用單因子變異數及共變數分析比較其差異情形,並配合課室互動觀察和錄影紀錄,分析電腦教學產生之正面效果。 研究發現,參與學習軌道電腦虛擬操作教學之學童在面積解題成就測驗的表現,較參與一般教科書教學之學童在「要素測量」、「圖形重構」與「公式應用」等三方面表現為佳,呈現顯著差異。課室互動資料分析,亦發現學習軌道電腦虛擬操作教學內涵可提供學童所需的認知、連結、表徵與轉化應用的能力。


This study explored the figure area formulation conception developed by fifth grade students as in a CAI experiment. On the basis of the theories of learning trajectory, the researcher conducted this study with a hope to help students develop area problem situations involving texts of (1) shape's component recognition, (2) units measurement, (3) shape reconstruction, and (4) area formulation application. The study compared the textbook-based groups' and the CAI-based groups' area problem-solving performances. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used for this study. In addition, the data were collected by performance tests, observations, interviews and documentary analysis. Findings from the study indicated that there is a significant difference between the CAI-based group and the textbook-based group in terms of their performances of shape's components measurement, shape reconstruction, and their area formulation application. The Former' performance is better than the latter. From the analysis result of the classroom interaction, the CAI-based students can recognize, extend, generalize, and apply area formulation relationships in their learning.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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