


Language Use and Shaping of Self Immigrant Identity on New Female-Hakka-immigrants




鍾鎮城(Chen-Cheng Chun);黃湘玲(Shiang-Ling Huang)


客籍新移民女性 ; 移民認同 ; 華語 ; 多元語言 ; New female-Hakka-immigrant ; immigrant identity ; Chinese as a second language ; multiple languages




26期(2009 / 06 / 01)


49 - 64




語言常被看作是一種標記認同的重要符碼,此現象在新移民女性身上尤其明顯。本研究旨在探究「客籍新移民女性之華語與多元語言使用,如何影響其自我移民認同之形塑」。 此為一質性研究,研究場域是一新移民女性的華語學習班。研究參與者為六位正在學習華語的客籍新移民女性,其中四位為印尼籍,兩位為越南籍。本研究以課堂參與觀察、田野筆記、教師日誌、問卷、訪談及學生上課之讀寫資料為主要之資料收集來源。在分析上,採用了編碼、歸類、定義等質性之資料分析方式,並以三角檢驗法確立資料之信實度。 本研究之發現可歸納為下列三點: (一)客籍新移民女性的語族背景,影響了她們在各類場域的語言選擇與使用; (二)客籍新移民女性的華語使用,在自我移民認同建構上具有關鍵性; (三)語言的類型、功能與使用目的,影響了客籍新移民女性的自我移民認同形塑。 最後,研究者們認為,客籍新移民女性所呈現的華語及多元語言使用與自我移民認同形塑現象,不僅驗證了她們的特殊性,更提醒當前的研究界,未來應對此類議題更多關注。


Language is often viewed as an important symbol of identity. This case is easily found on new female immigrants. The purpose of this study is to explore the role of language playing in the self immigrant identity shaping process for new female-Hakka-immigrants in learning and teaching context of Chinese as a second language (CSL). The main research question is how the language use of Mandarin and multiple languages affects new female immigrant's shaping on her immigrant identity. This is a qualitative study. The research context is a CSL classroom for new female immigrants. Six new female immigrants are invited to participate in this study. Four of them are from Indonesia; the others are from Vietnam. The research data is mainly collected from classroom participatory observation, fieldnotes, teaching journals, questionnaires, interviews and classroom artifacts for reading and writing. The researchers then apply ways of coding, categorizing, defining, and triangulating to analyze and examine its truthworth of data. Three results are generated: First, the ethnolinguistic background of new female-Hakka-immigrants affects their language choice and use in all contexts. Second, the Mandarin use of new female-Hakka-immigrants is critical to the construction of self immigrant identity. Third, the variation, function, and purpose of language use affect the shaping of self immigrant identity on new female-Hakka-immigrants. In conclusion, the phenomena of Mandarin and multiple language use, and self immigrant identity shaping on new female-Hakka-immigrants not only verifies their uniqueness but also reminds the present researchers to pay more attention to issues of immigrants.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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