


The Theory of the Sage in the "Ho-shang Kung Chang-chü of Lau-tzu's Tao Te Ching"




蘇慧萍(Hui-Ping Su)


老子 ; 河上公章句 ; 聖人 ; 道家 ; 漢代 ; Lau-tzu ; Ho-shang kung chang-chü in Lau-tzu's Tao Te Ching ; sage ; govern oneself ; administer a country




26期(2009 / 06 / 01)


99 - 120






As the opus of Huang-Lau school scholars in the East Han dynasty, the main contents of ”Ho-shang Kung Chang-chü of Lau-tzu's Tao Te Ching” (hereinafter referred to as ”Ho-shang kung chang-chü”), as regards the sage in ”Ho-shang kung chang-chü,” show his ideal style is substantially involved in two fulfilling aspects of governing oneself and administering a country, and such connotation expounds that those two ideological contexts have proved the process of a sage should first be based on ”governing oneself,” and then be applied to ”administering a country.” The ideological context of sage transferred from the thoughts of ”Lau-tzu” illustrates that the ideological approach of Huang-Lou thoughts values governmental techniques of monarch and personal cultivation from body to spirit in ”Ho-shang kung chang-chü,” while its cosmology focuses on the transcendence and consistency of ”Taoism,” and there is a corresponding relationship of ”knowing the heaven through human” between human beings and the heaven. As to the domain of administering a country, it deduces the idea of a sage's country-administration is based on the approach of governmental techniques, and the gradual progress of governmental ideas has obviously transformed the pure devotion to authenticity within monarch's heart into ”the unity of heaven and man” of inner cultivation and external application. Such establishment of changing lay in self-governing ideas of ”embracing Taoism and syncretism, keeping five sensory organs sober” has yielded a value-judgment of two heaven-man relationships as ”heavenly, mystic, clear, masculine, reverend” and ”earthly, feminine, thick, sissified, humble.” The author analyzed such values manifest a regimen theory of ”immortal way” which confirms ”Ho-shang kung chang-chü” has inherited the serenity and spiritual cultivation from Huang-Lou's ideological system, then transits into standing in the important status of establishing the concept of godly ethics and longevity in the domain of fairy Taoism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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