


The Study of Learning Strategies and Academic Achievements of Freshmen at University




魏慧美(Huei-Mei Wei);黃家溱(Chia-Jen Huang)


學習策略 ; 學習成就 ; learning strategy ; academic achievements ; freshmen




26期(2009 / 06 / 01)


1 - 27




本研究旨在了解高師大的大一新生之學習策略運用情形,及其在個人背景變項上的差異情形,並針對學習策略與學期成績的相關狀況進行分析。本研究採用問卷調查法,以李咏吟、張德榮與洪寶蓮(1996)所修訂之「大學生學習與讀書策略量表」為研究工具,以高雄師範大學大一新生為研究對象,共發出769 份問卷,經剔除無效問卷後,得有效問卷766 份,可用率達99.6%;在學習成就的部分,則以其97 學年度第一學期之學期平均成績為計算依據。依照本研究的結果,提出以下的結論與建議: 一、結論 (一)大一新生的學習策略以「解決學習困難」、「動機」、「選擇要點」表現最佳。 (二)大一新生的學習策略有七成以上的層面優於常模的表現。 (三)「焦慮」為大一新生最需協助的項目。 (四)大一女生的學習策略運用大多數優於大一男生。 (五)成績表現佳的大一新生,其學習策略之運用亦較佳。 (六)亟需引發學期成績不佳的大一新生之學習動機。 二、建議 (一)為大一新生安排薪傳講座或活動。 (二)積極安排課業輔導與學習策略的個別諮詢,提供學期成績較差的學生協助。 (三)留意大一男生的學習策略運用情形,必要時應提供協助。


The purpose of this study was to explore the learning strategies of freshmen at university, the diversity of background variables, and the relation between learning strategies and academic achievements. The implement of learning strategies was the questionnaire edited by You-In Lee, Der-Jung Chang and Bou-Lang Hon (1996), named ”Learning and studying strategies of university students.” The sample was 769, eliminated the invalidation, the validation was 766, so the available sample was 99.6%. The academic achievements were the average achievements of the 1st semester of the academic year 2008. The results of this study were: 1. The best learning strategies were ”solve the learning problem”, ”motivation”, and ”key point selecting.” 3. The learning strategy which was needed to be assisted was ”anxiety.” 4. The female freshmen's learning strategies were better than the male freshmen's. 2. The learning strategies were over 70% better than the norm. 6. The most important thing was to draw out the motivation of the one whose academic achievements were not successful. 5. The better academic achievements were the better learning strategies. 1. Arrange the activities for seniors to give the guidance. The suggestions of this study were: 2. Arrange the individual consultation for the one whose academic achievements were not successful. 3. Watch out for the learning strategies of male freshmen, and provid assistance if need be.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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