


The Historical Contrast of Transnational Marriage Women in Taiwan




顏朱吟(Chu-Yin Yew)


父權體制 ; 外籍配偶 ; 污名化 ; 跨國婚姻 ; Patriarchal system ; foreign spouse ; stigmatize ; transnational marriage




27期(2009 / 12 / 01)


67 - 82




三、四十年前,在台駐防的美軍,挾帶政治與經濟優勢,在保守的台灣社會吸引許多民眾側目及仰慕之眼神。當時部分台灣女子藉著成為美軍配偶,作為她們向上流動的途徑之一。近二十年來,不少東南亞女子則以跨國婚姻的方式移入台灣,藉以脫離原住地的貧困生活。這些女性對此婚姻多充滿想像與期待,但有些國人卻將她們污名化為作風大胆的壞女人、或是想騙夫家的錢的外來女子。 本文探討社會文化中的性別、階級位置與國籍等意涵,及其對這些台灣移出/移入女性之影響,也對照這半世紀前後之台灣時空背景,並歸納探討結果,指出跨國婚姻女性被污名化之問題所在,乃在於國族、階級地位及父權體制等癥結問題,並呼籲社會大眾不僅不該予以標籤化及污名,反而應當為這些女性正名,因為她們其實是具有冒險精神,想積極改善生活的勇敢女性。


About thirty or forty years ago when the US soldiers were in Taiwan, they often aroused admiration because of their political and economic superiority. Some Taiwanese women, for upward mobility, chose to become US soldiers' spouses. Similarly, in the last twenty years, many Southeast Asian women have moved to Taiwan through transnational marriages, leaving behind the poor life of their original residence. These women have high expectations of their transnational marriage, though. They have been stigmatized as bad women to cheat money out of their husband and relatives. This paper researches the social context of sex, status, nationality and compares the space-time which impacted Taiwanese female emigrants and immigrants over the last half century. Then the paper points out the very crux which leads to these women's being stigmatized is related to nationality, status and patriarchal system. This paper suggest that people shouldn't give these women labels and stigmatize them; we should rectify the unfair labels and affirm them as brave women instead, because they want to actively improve their life and have adventurous spirits.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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