


A Study on the Environment Color and City Image-A Case Study of the Donggang and Liuchiu, Pingtung County




唐碩漁(Yen-Yu Kang);林珈汶(Chia-Wen Lin)


城市色彩 ; 屏東縣 ; 東港 ; 小琉球 ; urban color ; Pingtung County ; Donggang ; Liuchiu




30期(2011 / 06 / 01)


15 - 40






The main purpose of this research is to establish the process and standard of urban color system, and to make use of design discipline sufficiently. To set up the process based on urban color systems worldwide are the principles which are 1. Research and Surveys 2. Results and Analysis 3. Color Combination Suggestions and Application.The second stage includes field survey, color measurement survey, images of urban color and cognitive analysis. Now the basic colors of Donggang are lower and devoid of brightness. This indicates that the image of Donggang has not been changed too much so far. The residents hope that Donggong will be expected to be passionate, charming, abundant and healthy. Now the colors of Liuchiu are lower and devoid of brightness. This shows that the image of Liuchiu is taken as a natural and simple place. The third stage of the research results are as follows: We use PCCS for giving advice on the color system. The basic color of Donggang: Value: 6.5 to 8.5, Saturation: 1s~3s, Hue: single and similar; Liuchiu basic color: Value: 7.5 to 9.5, Saturation: 1s~3s, Hue: single and similar.An excellent urban color strategy should not only do the research based on color measurement but also take public suggestions into consideration. In general, urban color system brings diverse influences, physical, visual, mental and economical. Different color tips will be recommended due to the variation of the city style. Through our research, we hope that the exclusive urban color system will be established in Pingtung County, Donggang, Liuchiu for developing into better city images in the future.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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