


(止木)"and 从(止木)"Relevant Problem again Clear up Doctor's Class of National Taiwan Normal University




許文獻(Wen-Hsien Hsu)


(止木) ; (氵止木) ; 先公先祖 ; 根國 ; 桀 ; 履癸 ; (止木) ; (氵止木) ; common ahead of the grandfather first ; root country ; the last of the ten Heavenly stems ; 根國 ; 桀 ; 履癸




28期(2006 / 03 / 01)


213 - 235




殷墟甲骨文中,有一類从止从木之構形,據《說文》,知此類字例當與「困」字密切相關,並可藉殷先祖世系之推測,論證于省吾先生將此類字釋為「根」字之可能性,更可於此論證基礎上,進一步推測甲文此類相關字例之釋讀;而戰國楚簡亦有一系列當从「(止木)」構形之字,此類字例舊釋眾說紛紜,今則再從殷商甲骨从「止木」諸字之釋讀,對戰國楚簡此類字之相關問題作進一步之研究與討論。本文所提出之主要論題,主要有四項: 一、甲文从「止木」之字,除「(止木)司」之合文例外,多可讀為與「困」相關之用義。 二、「(止木)」字之字形來源,猶有疑義,今暫从于省吾先生「根」字象形初文之說。 三、戰國楚簡多數从「(止木)」之字,其釋讀多可與甲文合證,並多可讀為與「困」或「根」相關之用例。 四、改釋「桀」字初形本義,疑其當為「履癸」之合文,惟論證尚嫌不足,其猶待考也。 五、郭店《老子‧甲》簡有兩個亦疑為从「(止木)」之字,實則此二字當為从木之聲之字。


In the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of Yin Dynasty ruins, have one accidence, 从止从木of words, according to ”說文”, know this kind of word example as with ”困”, word closely related with, can make use of the Yin Dynasty ahead of conjecture, grandfather of pedigree, prove on Mr. 于, explain for '根' possibility of the word this kind of word, can prove on the foundation herein, infer the textual research and explain of this kind of relevant words example of first document further; And also a series of 从(止木) is looked on clearly and simply as Chu bamboo in the Warring States, all textual research and explain of word, make further research and discuss to the Warring States clear simple relevant problems of 从(止木) this kind of from trader first bone Yin again today. The main proposition that this text puts forward, there are four items mainly: Word that, a series of 从(止木) In the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of Yin Dynasty ruins, except that ”(止木)司” shut gentle exception is large to can read for with 困 of using. Second, source in (止木) of the word, still have a doubtful point, an temporary saying of the beginning of the word pictograph of ”根” today. Word on third, Chu bamboo in the Warring States clear simple most, its textual research and explain can with the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells is and the many to can read for with ”困” or ”根” relevant example of spending. Fourth, is it clear up ”桀” word appear original meaning for the first time, doubt it as for to shut gentle ”履癸” 合文, is it hate enough still to prove to change, it still needs checking too. Fifth, 郭店 ”老子‧甲” bamboo have two suspected to be also ”从(止木)”, two word this actually it acts as to be word of 从木之聲.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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