


An Analysis and Discussion of Wang E's "The Study of the Three Ritual Texts"




謝淑熙(Shu-Hsi Hsieh)


王鍔 ; 「三禮」 ; 《周禮》 ; 《儀禮》 ; 《禮記》 ; Wang E ; Book of Rite Liji ; Zhou Li ; Yi Li ; Li Ji




37_2期(2015 / 09 / 01)


33 - 71






In the last decade, there has been a popular trend of the study of the classics in China. The most obvious one is the study of the three Ritual texts. Scholars from various disciplines again attributed positive value to the moral and ethical teaching produced by classical studies. Wang E (1964-), a professor from the School of Chinese Language and Culture at Nanjing Normal University, has written a book called "The study of the Three Ritual Texts". He has written this book within the scope of Chinese bibliography and textual criticism, and he has analyzed the date of the editing time, the editors of these three books, "Zhou Li", "Yili" and "Liji". The author has broadly absorbed the achievement from ancient and contemporary Chinese and western scholarship on the "Three Li. These achievements included recent archaeological discoveries that illustrate or supplement previous scholarship. He has used the new approaches to draw his conclusions. This article briefly describes the study and character of Mr. Wang, then discusses and illustrates the main purpose as well as the characteristics of "The Study of Three Ritual Texts", finally summarizes the academic value of this book. Last but not least, it analyzes that the contributions by the book to the contemporary study of "the Three Ritual Texts". Regarding search, I emphasize the discussion about the background knowledge, collecting Wang's related achievement, his thoughts on the studies of the ritual texts and his other works which have strengthened his research skills. In terms of method, I undertook critical studies, organize, analyze, summarize and undertake a comparative study of Wang's "Three Ritual Texts". Thus, I am able to grasp the depth of Wang's thoughts on the study of Li, and I offer my final conclusion by clarifying the relation amongst chapters considering the overall achievement by Wang.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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