This paper attempts to depict the origin of Nian-sun Wang's(王念孫, 1744-1832)"Gu Yun Er Shi Er Bu"(古韻二十二部). Most scholars believe that Wang's "Gu Yun Er Shi Er Bu" comes from his "Gu Yun Er Shi Yi Bu"(古韻二十一部), but this viewpoint is not the truth. From Wang's manuscript and works, one finds that Yu-cai Duan's(段玉裁, 1735-1815)"Gu Yun Shi Qi Bu"(古韻十七部)was invented before Wang's "Gu Yun Er Shi Yi Bu"(古韻二十一部), and Duan's "Liu Shu Yin Yun Biao"(六書音均表) inspires the formation of Wang's Ancient Phonology. Based on the examines, I argue that Wang's Devision of Rhyme Categories is a complex process. After Wang reading "Liu Shu Yin Yun Biao", he followed Duan's seventeen Rhyme Categories, and asserted the ancient without falling tone. After that, Wang wrote "Lun Yin Yun"(論音韻), in this essay, he devided twenty-two Rhyme Categories, with Five entering tone Rhyme Categories. Later he deemed that there were Four entering tone Rhyme Categories, and his Rhyme Categories reduced to twenty-one. During 1781, Guang-sen Kong(孔廣森, 1752-1786) wrote Shi Sheng Lei(詩聲類), and he believed the ancient without entering tone. Later, Wang was convinced by Kong's opinion, although he divided twenty-one Rhyme Categories, he changed his tone conception, and thought the ancient without entering tone. Probably after 1790, Wang considered the ancient phonology with four tones and twenty-one Rhyme Categories. Until 1821, Wang accepted Kong's opinion, and devided Dong(冬) from Dong(東). Finally, he devided twenty-two Rhyme Categories, with four tones.
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