


"Happiness yet to Come" and "Appearance of Happiness": The Old Saying and Discrimination on the Doubtful Points of "One Who Accumulates Good Deeds is Bound to Have Happiness" in Section Six The Kun Diagram □ of Wenyanzhuan (A Classic on Yi-ology)




陳芝豪(Chen, Zhi-hao)


坤文言 ; 積善 ; 離禍 ; 除殃 ; 見慶 ; The Kun Diagram of Wenyanzhuan (A classic on Yi-ology) ; the accumulation of good deeds ; derivation from misfortune ; getting rid of misfortune ; appearance of happiness




39_1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


1 - 27






In the discussion about the saying of "One who accumulates good deeds is bound to have happiness" in Section Six The Kun Diagram of Wenyanzhuan, most scholars believe that after the accumulation of good deeds, one will "finally" obtain happiness. However, common people may give up continuing to accumulate good deeds as happiness has not turned up. Thus, it is necessary to clarify the idea that since one has "accumulated good deeds", why he or she cannot have "happiness" "immediately". First, this paper has found that the accumulation of good deeds develops in the process of "following small good deeds → accumulating small good deeds → accumulating big good deeds". Second, it has also found that, though immediate happiness may not necessarily turn up after the accumulation of good deeds at the beginning, "getting rid of misfortune" is an immediate return. One will obtain happiness as long as he or she continues to accumulate good deeds. In short, it is a process of "accumulating good deeds → deviating from misfortune → appearance of happiness". Lastly, it concludes that the reason why one has accumulated good deeds and fulfilled his or her duty but still does not have happiness is because while accumulating good deeds, he or she also makes mistakes and accumulates misdeeds. As good deeds counteract misdeeds, one cannot see happiness. After the correction of mistakes and getting rid of misfortune, one will march towards happiness. In short, it is a process of "accumulating good deeds → misfortune due to the accumulation of misdeeds → getting rid of misfortune → appearance of happiness".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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