


"Amitabha Sutra" participation in religious symbolism staff




陳啟文(Chen, Cheu-wen)


阿彌陀經 ; 彌陀淨土 ; 阿彌陀佛 ; 往生 ; 象徵 ; Amitabha Sutra ; pure land ; paradise of the west ; amitabha ; reincarnation ; symbol




39_1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


29 - 49






This article is seeking to explore the dimensions of the problem is that symbolic "Buddha Amitabha Sutra" of participants. This article is seeking to explore the dimensions of the problem is that symbolic "Buddha Amitabha Sutra" of participants. I observed in Scripture to several meanings: First, from the participants of this dimension, its symbol of the Pure Land Dharma can escorts Bono and sage. Second, it Shengwen congregation, Bodhisattvas, column sequence Heaven congregation, the monks will be in the position in law is a priority. Therefore, it exhibited the influence of Pure Land Dharma is Dharma self-sacrificing altruism. Third, from the Bodhisattvas Participation, verses cited four Scriptures cited in the four Bodhisattvas, Manjushri, A Yiduo Bodhisattvas, Qiantuo blame mention Bodhisattvas and Bodhisattvas often sophisticated, are about to become a Buddha, so they have to quickly complete the solemn Buddha's land as the core. But also the most convenient and most rapid achievement satisfactorily solemn Buddha Land of Dharma. At the same time, the name of the Bodhisattvas, but also a symbol of rebirth in the Western Paradise Pure Land conditions, need to have believed that vow and reborn in the Western Paradise Buddha's name. Manjushri and Maitreya Buddha arranged in front, which means the "Trust" and "Desire" is reborn in the Western Elysium first condition. As for the "Gandhahastin Buddha" and "often sophisticated Buddha" after the ranks in, which means the right to practice reborn in the Western Paradise Pure Land of Buddha is sophisticated. However, so-called "Trust" refers to the true wisdom "truly believe"; and "May", it means that the real Buddha immeasurable compassion "real desire"; "row" is bravely, day and night, has been specifically read Amitabha". However, the so-called "faith" is the true wisdom of the "true faith", the so-called "May" is the immeasurable Buddha compassion of the "big wish", so-called "practice" is bravely refers night concentrate recite Amitabha

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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