


Analysis of Meng Haoran how to use cultural landscape to write the poem "Rafting in Ruo-Ye River"




姜龍翔(Chiang, Lung-hsiang)


耶溪泛舟 ; 孟浩然 ; 若耶溪 ; 遊歷詩 ; 吳越文化 ; Meng ; Hao-ran ; Travel Poems ; Rafting in Ruo-Ye River ; Culture of Wu Yue Region ; Ruo-Ye River




39_2期(2017 / 09 / 01)


53 - 78






This paper is mainly to explore the subject and how to express the writing methods about figure and landscape in "Rafting in Ruo-Ye River" by Meng, Hao-ran. Because "Rafting in Ruo-Ye River" was completed when he traveling in district of Wu-Yue, so this paper investigate his poerty oh this period, and the works of other people in Tang Dynasty. This paper uses inductive analysis method, and borrowing cultural geography perspective. According brook scene, this paper speculate the angler and maiden are the actual scene. "Rafting in Ruo-Ye River" has two different kind of sentiment. First half express the happiness by rafting, After half express the mouring by cherishing the memory of the past. Through this study, can help researchers how to analyze written by ancient scholars of tourism real attractions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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