


The Classic Calligrapher Zhong Yao(ca. 151-230)- A research on the development and formation of 'Zheng Shu Zhi Zu' since the Eastern Han Dynasty




朱書萱(Chu, Shu-hsuan)


鍾繇 ; 正書之祖 ; 鍾王典型 ; 東漢書法 ; 師法傳授 ; 行書法 ; Zhong Yao ; Zheng Shu Zhi Zu ; Zhongwang Classic ; Calligraphy in Eastern Han Dynasty ; learn from teachers ; cursive handwriting




40_2期(2018 / 09 / 01)


95 - 121






This Study inspected the social foundation for the artistic calligraphy in Eastern Han Dynasty, the phenomenon of learning from teachers or masters in the era Zhong Yao lived in, as well as made a further exploration of confirming his historic status, and his calligrapher image that handed down and evolved. In history, Zhong Yao played various roles who was a statesman and calligraphy master as well. Except for political achievements, Zhong Yao's artistic status was unclear. However, as being an imaginary role model in the artistic classics, Zhong Yao became a classic model in the calligraphy culture. Which was tightly connected his own artistic characteristics and influence on the development of calligraphy history. Zhong Yao's handwriting method played an important role in the transition process between Lishu (official script) and Kaishu (regular script) and greatly impacted the calligraphy circle that mainly followed Wang Xizhi's calligraphy in Wei-Jin dynasties, as well as became the model next generations learnt from. That is, it had been called as the historical context of "Zheng Shu Zhi Zu", and complement to make his calligrapher image one another. This Study intended to verify the shaping of Zhong Yao model, and confirm Zhong Yao's status in the calligraphy history which was not forged, but depending on the basis of inner logic for calligraphy.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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