


Reinterpretation and Appropriation of Poetry and Fu on the Theme of Ancestral Virtues-Based on XIE, LING-YUN's "Shu Zu De" and "Shan Ju Fu"






謝靈運 ; 述祖德 ; 山居賦 ; 謝玄 ; 不遇 ; XIE LING-YUN ; praise the virtues of the ancestors (Shu Zu De) ; Shan Ju Fu ; XIE XUAN ; frustrated




42_1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


75 - 98






The theme of "praise the virtues of the ancestors" has already existed in the Shi Jing , and influence the subsequent establishment of the theme. Different from the tradition of describing ancestral achievements, the writing intent of XIE, LING-YUN 's two works is to reinterpret and appropriation poems and fu. This article first combs the tradition of the works of ancestors from Pre-Qin to Wei Jin. Then through the comparison of XIE, LING-YUN's these two works, we can fully explain XIE, LING-YUN 's longing for ancestors and understand how XIE, LING-YUN faced unsatisfactory situations. In addition, I will also choose the representative works of the ancestral achievements in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, such as Lu Ji's "Zu De Fu", "Shu Xian Fu" and TAO, YUAN-MING's "Ming Zi Shi" to compare with XIE, LING-YUN 's works. I hope that by comparing the works to find out how to face ancestral merit when the writer is unwilling. It also highlights that XIE, LING-YUN seems to imitate, in fact, it is through reinterpreting and appropriating to compensate for the subjective expectations.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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