


An Analysis of Zhao Meng-Fu and Wen Zheng-Ming's Ci Poems in Jiangnan






趙孟頫 ; 文徵明 ; 元詞 ; 明詞 ; 江南 ; Zhao Meng-Fu ; Wen Zheng-Ming ; Yuan Ci ; Ming Ci ; Jiangnan




42_2期(2020 / 09 / 01)


111 - 146






This paper is a comparative analysis of Zhao Meng-Fu and Wen Zheng-Ming's Ci poems in Jiangnan: first discuss their individual characteristics, and then compare their similarities and differences. In terms of Zhao Meng-Fu's words, the characteristics of Jiangnan's writing are to present the contrast of his hometown/capital, the space of secluded scenery, and the space of history and culture. As far as Wen Zheng-Ming's words are concerned, the characteristics of his Jiangnan writing are the presentation of the brilliance of flowing water and trees in his house, the beautiful scenery of his hometown Suzhou, and the freedom of hermit country. In terms of the similarities and differences of Jiangnan in Zhao and Wen's Ci poems, the content of emotions, Zhao's Ci still retains "the feelings of sorrow and resentment that cannot be self-expressed", but Wen's Ci is full of joyful and clear connotations; while Zhao and Wen both Taking "Fishers" as the incarnation of the hermit, Zhao Meng-Fu finally wandered between official and hermit, while Wen Zheng-Ming 's hermit stayed in her life, because he didn't involve the officialdom deeply. At the end, in terms of language form, both Zhao and Wen like to write Jiangnan with "Fishman's Words". However, Zhao Meng-Fu is good at expressing emotions in "quiet drama" and presenting them in a binary opposition; it is mainly based on emotion, supplemented by scenery. Wen Zheng-Ming 's Ci is full of frankness, joy, and unity of words and emotions; or using feelings, or natural landscapes, and writing at the level of near, middle, and distant scenes, paying attention to changes in light and shadow, similar to meticulous strokes. It can be seen that Zhao and Wen wrote Jiangnan's Ci poems, regardless of the content, form, and similarities and differences.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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