Metaphysical poetry is one of the significant poetry categories in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. It sprouted in Zhengshi Era, developed in Western Jin Dynasty, and flourished in Eastern Jin Dynasty. In terms of both content and technique, there were apparently before-and-after changes. Due to the close relationship between metaphysical poetry and metaphysics, the academic circles mostly analyze its evolution from the standpoint of metaphysics. As for the existing metaphysical poems, however, there are many of them belonging to the exchanging poems, wherein are mostly metaphysical praise, encouragement, or thoughts discussion between each other. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the ethos of exchanging poems prevailed, of which the performances of social intercourse with poetry response, personal evaluation, ideal embrace, and even cultural activities inevitably affected the creative style of metaphysical poetry. This article intends to explore the influence of the ethos of exchanging poems on metaphysical poem from the perspectives of inner thoughts and external environment, trying to find the cause of prosperity and transmutation for the metaphysical poetry.
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