


Shoujingtu or Shoujingtuyili: Transcription Differences in the Research on the Origins of Confucian Classics in Wenyuange and Wenjinge versions of the Siku Quanshu






手抄傳播 ; 四庫全書 ; 同書異貌 ; 授經圖 ; 讀者本位 ; hand-copying and dissemination ; Siku Quanshu ; multiple books that appear different but have the same contents ; Shoujingtu ; reader-oriented




44_1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


27 - 60






There are 20 volumes of Shoujingtu (授經圖) written by Zhu Mujie (朱睦㮮, 1552-1587, Ming Dynasty) in the Shi (history) section of the Siku Quanshu (四庫全書). Although the authorship of this book is credited to Zhu Mujie, Huang Yuji (黃虞稷, 1629-1691) and Gong Xianglin (龔翔麟, 1658-1733) also made significant additions to it. As a result, the contents are no longer the same as the original work authored by Zhu. Because Shoujingtu has groundbreaking meaning on the analysis of the evolution of the Five Classics, the compilers of the Siku Quanshu affirms this value of this book; however, the book's contents do not exactly match with the book named Shoujingtu. This is in part because it has been copied several times by hand; moreover, the editors had different perceptions towards the same book. Hence, the title of the book as well as the content of each volume are inconsistent in the Wenyuange (文淵閣) and Wenjinge (文津閣) versions in existence today. The focus of this article is not to compare the merits and flaws of these two versions, but to consider why the process of compilation and copying resulted in the error of creating multiple books that appear different but have the same contents. Furthermore, it aims to investigate the apparent lack of importance given to maintaining the original name of the work. Why was it not considered strange to greatly alter the contents of a book and yet maintain its original title and attributed author? Additionally, errors are inevitably present due to the lack of meticulous oversight of the copying process. Accordingly, the Chuanshoutu (傳授圖) section, which is the focus of the Shoujingtu, contains different transcription errors in the two versions of the Siku Quanshu. Apart from criticizing the quality of the transcription, can this be considered positively? It is the opinion of this article that adopting a reader-oriented attitude is key; thus, correction and supplementation in the transcription process can be regarded as the contributions of individual readers participating in the completion of the book in the era of hand-copying and dissemination. If readers today can adopt this attitude in understanding and accepting the transcription errors present in the Siku Quanshu, an enjoyable reading experience can be had, even if one is reading a photocopied version.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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