


The Inheritance and Transplantation of "Late-Qing New Age Novels"






清末時新小說集 ; 傅蘭雅 ; 徵文競賽 ; Late-Qing New Age Novels ; John Fryer ; fiction competition




45_1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


61 - 80




本文將探討《清末時新小說集》受到中國傳統文學「縱的承繼」以及西方基督宗教「橫的移植」影響,所呈現出的書寫樣式與文化意涵。《清末時新小說集》起源於晚清傳教士傅蘭雅(John Fryer, 1839-1928),1895年舉辦的「時新小說」徵文比賽之文稿,小說稿件曾一度散佚,直至2006年重新被發現,2011年以《清末時新小說集》之名,未經刪修直接掃描影印出版。本文透過梳理文本,聚焦於兩方面考察:1.探討中國傳統文學和西方基督宗教對時新小說敘事書寫的影響。2.闡述文本所展現的文化意涵,特別在宗教文化部分,以及中國基督徒作者如何將基督宗教元素化為己用,並融入小說創作中,跨越文學與宗教領域,頗具有獨特的時代意義與價值。


This article will discuss the influence of the " Late-Qing New Age Novels " by traditional Chinese literature "Longitudinal Inheritance " and Western Christianity "Horizontal transplantation " brings out the writing style and cultural meaning presented. " Late-Qing New Age Novels " originated from the late Qing missionary John Fryer (1839-1928), the manuscript of the "New Age Novels" fiction competition held in 1895, the manuscript of the novel was once lost until it was rediscovered in 2006, and in 2011, it was published as " Late-Qing New Age Novels " The name, without deletion and editing, directly scanned and photocopied for publication. By analyzing the text, this project focuses on two dimensions: (1) To explore effects of Chinese traditional literature and western Christianity on writing style of new age novels. (2) To elaborate cultural implication of the text, particularly religious culture and how Chinese Christian authors applied Christian elements in creation of novels., spanning the fields of literature and religion, which has a unique significance of the times with value.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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