


The Ritual Tradition during the Sung: A Study on Wang Wenqin and The Five Thunders Ritual of Jade Pivot






道教 ; 法師 ; 王文卿 ; 玉樞五雷大法 ; Daoism ; Ritual Master ; Wang Wenqin ; The Five Thunders Ritual of Jade Pivot




45_2期(2023 / 09 / 01)


59 - 95






From the perspective of "Fa Ritual", this article explores the Daoism and Ritual traditions during the Song and Yuan Dynasties. From different angles, through three different text types, such as historical records, biographies, and ritual manuscripts, the author discusses "tradition of Fa Ritual." First of all, from Yijian Zhizhi to explore the origins and characteristics of the Song and Yuan Fa traditions, as well as the connotation of the "Ritual Master". Secondly, taking Wang Wenqing as an example, it discusses how the later biographies portray Wang Wenqing as a patriarch of the Shenxiao School. This article is based on "Chongxu Tongmiao Master Wang's Family Talk", "The Perfect Lord of Linghui Chongxu Tongmiao Wang Shichen Ji" written by Yu Ji in the Yuan Dynasty, Lishi zhenxian tidao tongjian on "Wang Wenqing" and Zhang Yuchu's "Miao Ling Guan Ji" as the basic materials. These materials were generally formed during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and this period was the stage when Wang Wenqing's historical status was established. Finally, this paper attempts to infer the connotation of the ritual materials used by Wang Wenqing from the numerous ritual manuscripts, and speculates that the "Five Thunders of the Jade Pivot" is the authentic material by Wang Wenqing. Through the text of the ritual and related theories and descriptions, we can understand the meaning of Wang Wenqing's method of ritual. Through the analysis of these three angles, this paper puts forward an innovative point of view on Wang Wenqing, who has been known in the academic circles in the past.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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