


Vintage and Innovation: Discussion on how Zhong Rong's "Shipin" unfolds and defines the poetic style "Qing"






清 ; 詩品 ; 陶潛 ; 六朝 ; 文學批評 ; Qing ; Shipin ; Tao Qian ; Six Dynasties ; literary criticism




45_2期(2023 / 09 / 01)


97 - 122






This article aims to explore the interpretation and positioning of the "Qing" in Zhong Rong's "Poetry" for this aesthetic style; and the similarities and differences between this interpretation and positioning compared with later generations, especially the classical poetics of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The"Qing" of Ming and Qing classical poetics focuses on not only elucidating the clear and light style, but also avoiding the shallow and dullness caused by the clear and light style; it either takes "clear and thick" as the ultimate poetry, or uses the pastoral poet Tao Qian is the patriarch of "Qing". However, although "Shi Pin" never deliberately discussed "Qing", nor did it express a high evaluation; the whole book frequently uses "Qing" to discuss poetry, expressing ideal expectations for "Qing", and even using "Qing" in Tao's poems as inspiration Hereafter. It is worth noting that the ideal "Qing" in "Shipin" is different from the development of later generations, and the "Qing" of Tao Qian in the middle grade is the closest. Therefore, the "Qing" in "Poetry" has the dual aspects of retro and innovation, and the retro aspect further affects the innovative style so that it will not be weak and dull. Through "Poetry", we can see the initial state and evaluation of classical poetics "Qing", and further clarify the development orientation and unique value of "Shipin" in "Qing".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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