At present the concrete design code in Taiwan lacks any predictive model for concrete creep, which is why most engineers in Taiwan follow the models of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) or the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) of the US; the European CEB-FIP and RILEM; or the methods of the JSCE or JCI of Japan. Although the physical and chemical characteristics of concrete are essentially the same all across the world, each location uses its own constituent materials and mix design. In the present study, looking at the establishment of a concrete creep database for concrete in Taiwan, we have seen that the aggregate used in concrete of Taiwan is of lower quality. When formulating a mix design to attain higher strength, the resulting concrete will tend to have a high paste content, high cement content, low water cement ratio, and low aggregate/cement ratio. These local characteristics of concrete in Taiwan may lead to inaccuracies when they are applied to foreign predictive formulas, and in turn influence the structural behavior and safety of the concrete structures. Taiwan therefore has a manifest need for developing better localized predictive models for concrete creep. This study first presents the results from the predictive models for concrete creep (foreign and domestic formulas) applied to concrete in Taiwan. At present, it may be seen that the norms tend to undervalue. Then, it evaluates and actually uses the Model B4 predictive model for concrete creep suggested by Bazant in 2015 as a basis for the correction of characteristics in localized concrete in Taiwan in multiple situations: in instantaneous deformation items the reduction of the elasticity modulus in concrete due to low-quality aggregate was considered; in basic creep items the phenomenon of high levels of deformation due to high paste content and aggregate property were considered; in drying creep items the effect of sandstone aggregate, which is often used in Taiwan, was considered. Our results were as follows: after using the Model B4-TW model, which has been corrected for localized concrete in Taiwan, we may compare the two models (Model B4 and Model B4-TW); when predicting basic creep for Taiwan concrete, the coefficient of determination R^2 rose from 0.52 to 0.78; when predicting the total strain, R^2 rose from 0.76 to 0.81. In addition to R^2, the statistical indicators given by scholars from around the world have shown that the predictive capabilities of the Model B4-TW model for concrete creep data in Taiwan are superior to other models; thus it can be further developed as a predictive model for concrete creep in Taiwan.
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