
2018年CNS 560鋼筋標準修訂


Revisions of CNS 560 Steel Bars Standard in 2018




林克強(Ker-Chun Lin)


竹節鋼筋 ; 螺紋節鋼筋 ; 節相對投影面積 ; 總伸長率 ; 均勻伸長率 ; deformed bars ; threaded bars ; relative projected area of rib ; total elongation ; uniform elongation




34卷2期(2019 / 12 / 01)


23 - 41




本文主要介紹並說明2018年CNS 560「鋼筋混凝土用鋼筋」標準的主要修訂內容,包括:(1)新增SD 550W與SD 690之鋼筋種類:SD 550W之鋼筋屬於「耐震構材用」與「可銲接」鋼筋;SD 690為一般用途之鋼筋,若欲應用於耐震構材,可要求實際抗拉強度與實際降伏強度比值不小於1.25,但因該鋼筋未明確規定化學成分,故須經驗證合格之銲接程序方可銲接加工,否則不可銲接。(2)新增螺紋節形式之鋼筋:螺紋節鋼筋可適用於灌漿式螺紋續接器,惟螺紋節鋼筋之節距最大值不大於鋼筋半徑,可獲得與竹節鋼筋相同之握裹性能,並可視為竹節鋼筋之一種。(3)修訂彎曲試驗法:依據ASTM A615與A706標準之精神,進行彎曲試驗時,鋼筋端部之軸向不得固定,以避免鋼筋在彎曲過程中受到額外軸向應力之影響。此外,建議未來的CNS 560鋼筋標準能以對應於實際抗拉強度(actual tensile strength)之均勻伸長率(uniform elongation),作為鋼筋韌性變形能力的評估準則,使得鋼筋能符合結構性能設計原理,提供結構構件對應的變形需求。


This paper is intended to introduce and describe the major revisions of CNS 560 standard for steel bars using in reinforced concrete structures that include: (1) Adding two types of steel grade, SD 550W and SD 690. For the SD 550W steel, it is weldable and applicable for seismic members. For the SD 690 normal steel, a minimum ratio of 1.25 for the actual tensile-to-yield strength ratio is requested for seismic members, but welding is not allowed due to no limitations on its chemical compositions. (2) Creating a new type of threaded bars. The threaded bars are suitable for the grouted and threaded couplers. The requirements of deformation dimensions for the threaded bars are identical to those for the deformed bars, except that the rib pitch shall not exceed 0.5 times the diameter of steel bar. That is to get the same level of bond performance with the deformed bars. Therefore, the threaded bars can be regarded as one kind of the deformed bars. (3) Revising the method of bend test. For the bend test, based on the requirements of ASTM A615 or A706 standard, the steel bar shall not be restricted movement in its longitudinal direction to prevent from effects of the additional axial stress during the bend testing. In addition, it is recommended that the requirements of uniform elongation corresponding to actual tensile strength should be incorporated into the future version of CNS 560 standard as an assessment criterion of steel bar ductility. This conforms to the principles of performance-based design and provide the corresponding deformation demands of structural members.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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