Data of thirteen buildings that damaged differently in the 2018 Hualien earthquake were collected and used to verify three preliminary seismic assessment methods. The three methods are all widely used in Taiwan, including the Preliminary Seismic Evalureliminary seismic evaluation of RC Buildings (PSERCB), the Preliminary Seismic Evaluation Method for Typical Building Structures of Primary and Secondary Schools by NCREE, and the Preliminary Seismic Evaluation Method for Typical Street-houses by NCREE. Comparison between the evaluation results and the observed damage states of the thirteen buildings showed that all three methods can identify the buildings that were heavily damaged. All three methods can sort the buildings in an approximately reasonable order. However, all three methods tended to give conservative results. The results from different methods for the same building were usually close. Only two buildings obtained different results between the NCREE method for street-houses and the other two methods. The PSERCB and the NCREE method for school buildings showed more conservative results than the NCREE method for street-houses in the two buildings.
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