Most of current seismic assessment methods for buildings aim to evaluate the collapse risk of buildings, since the damage criteria of these methods are associated with the mechanism of building collapse. These methods may not be suitable for the assessment of functional facilities or seismic isolated buildings, whose performance objective is usually required to maintain their functionality after a strong earthquake. For this reason, this study proposes an approach for probabilistic seismic assessment of buildings considering multiple performance levels. This approach adopts the performance levels defined by FEMA 356 and ASCE 41-13, namely, immediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS) and collapse prevention (CP). For each performance level, both global and local damage criteria are defined according to FEMA 356 and ASCE 41-13, respectively. Based on these damage criteria together with the result of incremental dynamic analysis, the fragility curves for each performance level can be established for seismic assessment. For buildings with isolators, a performance level called isolation limit (IL) is also considered, in order to include safety of the isolation system in the assessment procedure. The damage criterion for IL performance level is defined as when the isolator drift exceeds the maximum total isolator displacement D_(TM) given in the current isolation design code of Taiwan. For demonstration of the proposed assessment method, a 5-story old apartment building was consideredas an example. The building was retrofitted by using sliding isolators, and the seismic performance of the building before and after the implementation of isolation was evaluated using the proposed method and the results were compared, so that the benefit of retrofitting can be quantified. The assessment results show that the retrofit with the isolators greatly reduces the damage probabilities of the building at all performance levels. This demonstrates that the proposed method can be applied to evaluate seismic performance of either fixed-based or isolated building with consideration of multiple performance levels.
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