


Brief Introduction to Applications of Second-order Analysis in Design of Steel Structures




彭瑞麟(Jui-Lin Peng);呂良正(Liang-Jenq Leu);陳紹禮(Siu-Lai Chan);劉耀鵬(Yaopeng Liu);陳惠發(Wai-Fah Chen)


臨界載重 ; 直接分析法 ; 假想側向力 ; 初始缺陷 ; 二階分析 ; Critical load ; Direct analysis method ; Notional lateral force ; Initial imperfection ; Second-order analysis




37卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


51 - 95




近年來歐美等先進國家的鋼結構設計規範中,多建置有二階分析(Second-order analysis)或直接分析法(Direct analysis method)的相關規定。事實上二階分析即幾何非線性分析,歐盟及大英國協國際組織內國家的鋼結構設計規範採用此名詞;美國工程界認為二階分析與二階彎矩兩個名詞易混淆,故在其鋼結構設計規範中採用直接分析法取代二階分析。傳統鋼結構設計以各類構件強度為依據進行,是一種間接設計的概念。二階分析則是依據整體結構系統強度和穩定進行設計,是一種直接且更為合理的設計方式,因而受到歐美等先進國家鋼結構設計規範採用。二階分析尤其適合用於非水平梁及非垂直柱之組合、且造型不規則又兼具美學外觀、有效長度難以確定的鋼構造物的設計。本文針對歐美等先進國家鋼結構設計規範採用的二階分析情形做初步介紹;為方便工程師掌握內容,文中特別將各國鋼結構設計規範中與二階分析及直接分析法相關的章節做重點節錄。期望經由本文的介紹,能讓國內工程師瞭解先進國家鋼結構設計的發展,未來的設計能與國際同步。


In recent years, the steel structural design codes of advanced countries such as Europe and the United States have stipulated the related regulations of "second-order analysis" or "direct analysis method." In fact, the second-order analysis, widely adopted in the steel structural design codes of the European Union and the Commonwealth of Nations, is the geometric nonlinear analysis. The American engineering community believes that the terms of "the second-order analysis" and "the second-order bending moment" are easily confused, so the "direct analysis method" is used to replace the "second-order analysis" in the steel structural design code. Traditional steel structural design is mostly carried out on the basis of component strength, which is an indirect design concept. The second-order analysis is designed based on the strength and the stability of the overall structural system. It is a direct and more reasonable design method, which is the reason for the adoption of steel structural design codes in advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. The second-order analysis is especially suitable for the design of steel structures that combine non-horizontal beams and non-vertical columns, have irregular shapes and aesthetic appearances, and is difficult to determine the effective length. This paper makes a preliminary introduction to the second-order analysis of steel structural design codes in advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. In order to make it easier for engineers to grasp the content, the paper especially makes key excerptions from chapters related to the second-order analysis and the direct analysis method in the steel structural design codes of various countries. It is hoped that through the introduction of this paper, domestic engineers can understand the development of steel structural design in advanced countries, and their designs can be synchronized with international designs in the future.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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