


Seismic Testing and Design of Steel Panel Dampers




賴晉霆(Jin-Ting Lai);吳安傑(An-Chien Wu);李濰揚(Wei-Yang Li);蔡克銓(Keh-Chyuan Tsai)


耐震間柱 ; 鋼板阻尼器 ; 剪力降伏 ; 腹板加勁板 ; 耐震設計 ; 反覆載重試驗 ; seismic stud column ; steel panel damper ; shear yielding ; web stiffener ; seismic design ; cyclic loading test




38卷2期(2023 / 06 / 01)


83 - 106




三段式鋼板阻尼器(steel panel damper, SPD)為一種剪力消能型的耐震間柱。本研究考慮日本學者對挫屈束制加勁板設計的研究,並參考美國AISC剪力連桿梁的設計建議,提出簡化且完整的加勁板設計流程。本研究考量容量設計法並採用貼板型連接段,提出三段式SPD的整體耐震設計流程,內容亦包含SPD承受軸力、抗側向扭轉挫屈等設計建議。可在製造長跨寬翼斷面後,裁切成SPD高度後再於EJ段進行貼板,能減低SPD的造價。利用兩組同為淨高2.6m、深1.0m、標稱降伏剪力1128kN,但消能段腹板加勁板配置不同的實尺寸貼板型三段式SPD進行反覆載重試驗。試驗結果顯示,兩組試體受力變形反應極為相似,在層間位移角達0.04弧度前均無明顯強度下降現象,累計塑性變形達400以上,具極優異的韌性與遲滯消能行為。研究利用有限元素分析模型模擬試驗反應並進行參數分析;第一組分析驗證貼板型連接段須採用塞孔銲來連接疊合板與腹板,以避免彈性挫屈。第二組分析比較AISC剪力連桿梁與本研究所提的加勁板設計方法。分析結果顯示AISC設計方式較保守,且因雙面加勁造成用鋼量及銲接量增加,成本較高;而本研究所提設計方法可用較少的鋼量來達到延遲腹板挫屈的效果。


The 3-segment steel (shear) panel damper (SPD) can be viewed as a type of seismic stud column capable of dissipating energy through inelastic core (IC) shear deformations. In this study, the concept of capacity design is adopted to design a novel SPD with a continuous web plate and doubler plates in the elastic joint (EJ) segments. Considering the IC web buckling resisting stiffeners design guides for SPDs from Japan, and for shear links from the US, this research proposed a simplified design procedure for the IC stiffeners. Cyclic loading tests were conducted on two full-scale 3-segment SPDs with the same EJ doubler plates but different IC web stiffeners. Specimens are 2.6m high and 1.0m deep with a nominal shear strength of 1128kN. Test results show that both specimens had remarkably similar strength and hysteresis response until the 4% inter-story drift ratio was reached. The cumulative plastic deformation index was more than 400. After calibrating the finite element material model, parametric analysis results confirm that the properly deigned plug welds are required for the doubler plates in the EJs thereby delaying shear buckling. Using six additional analysis models for three different target shear deformations of 2%, 4% and 6% radians in the IC segments, it is demonstrated that AISC design specifications on shear link web stiffeners are more conservative and costly. Seismic design recommendations for the IC web stiffeners are concluded.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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