With the gradual maturity of geographic information system (GIS) technology, through the combination of GIS and historical data, the study of humanities and society in small-scale spatial regions is more common, but the spatial relationship between various regions in Tainan County is rarely discussed. Therefore, this research digitized the built-up area of Tainan County identified in the 1904 and 1989 historical topographic maps through the WMTS service function of the "Taiwan Centurial Historical Map" developed by the Academia Sinica. Then customize the different types of built-up areas as the basic data for the method of spatial analysis, landscape pattern analysis, and correlation analysis. This research method used kernel density estimation and hotspot analysis to explore the spatial distribution characteristics and differences of the built-up areas in each region. Besides, the landscape metrics can be used to calculate the number, area, spatial scale and type characteristics of the patch of the built-up areas. Also, the correlation strength and significance between the use of historical statistics and the analysis of analytical results have led to a more explanatory power in the discussion. In conclusion, the built-up areas in the eastern part of Tainan County are generally small and fragmented cold spots, while the western plains are hot spots with large areas. Moreover, the built-up area is highly correlated with the building land of the historical statistical data, indicating that the historical image has high explanatory power for various types of analysis.
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