The present thesis aims at exploring into the interrelationships among Taiwan enterprise employees' career anchor, job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness, as well as the influences of their related factors. The related documents had been examined first for possible related factors, and then questionnaires were given out to 942 employees of the Taiwan district. And the results are: As a whole, the employees are mostly satisfied with their jobs, but most of them tend to show dissatisfaction for their salary and promotion channels. The employees' career anchor has been found to be a factor that underlies the employees' job satisfaction. The organizational effectiveness will affect the employees' job satisfaction. How good the organizational effectiveness is will affect the employees' job satisfaction; Beside, Apparent differences also exist between the two sexes in respect to their career anchor and job satisfaction. And obvious differences exist among employees of local companies, Japanese companies and American companies in terms of career anchor, but not in terms of job satisfaction.
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