


The Evaluation pf Expatriate's Working Performance and Its Influence Factors-The Companies in Taiwan Investing in Mainland for Example




吳萬益(Wann-Yih Wu);蔡明田(Min-Tien Tsai);林佳姿(Chia-Tzu Lin)


海外派遣人員 ; 人力資源管理 ; 多國籍企業 ; 甄選標準 ; 教育訓練 ; Overseas expatriates ; Human resource management ; Multinational companies ; Selecting criteria ; Training program




18卷3期(1999 / 09 / 01)


1 - 34




自從1979年大陸開放及1987年政府開放赴大陸探親與投資以來,台灣商人基於同文同種的考量下,一窩蜂的湧入大陸投資設廠,而這些廠商又以勞力需求較大的民生工業、電子資訊業、機械工業與石化業為主,這些廠商之快速加入使得大陸成為我們最大的投資地,但由於對當地風土民情的不瞭解與海外管理的經驗不足,因此常發生勞資糾紛、海外派遣人員適應不良的情況,其結果往往對公司的營運造成負面的影響。 本研究之主要研究目的如下: 1.探討民生工業、電子工業、機械工業與石化工業的海外派遣人員在甄選標準、教育訓練與地主國適應等方面之差異性。 2.探討海外派遣人員的甄選標準對海外派遣人員在地主國適應的影響。 3.探討海外派遣人員的訓練對海外派遣人員在地主國適應的影響。 4.探討海外派遣人員的甄選標準對海外派遣人員工作績效的影響。 5.探討海外派遣人員的訓練對海外派遣人員工作績效的影響。 透過一系列之問卷調查及人員訪談,本研究之結論如下: 1.赴大陸台商在甄選海外派遣人員時,會以員工的年齡與健康、能力、意願為考量要素,並且會對員工施以專業知識、地主國簡介、語言與禮儀等方面的訓練,而其海外派遣人員對大陸政府的辦事方式最無法適應。 2.海外派遣人員的身體健康狀況、過去的工作績效或外派的經驗、外派工作是否與員工的個人的生涯規劃相符合、地主國風俗習慣的瞭解與地主國政治與法律狀況的講習,會影響海外派遣人員在地主國工作及生活上的適應程度。 3.海外派遣人員的甄選標準、教育訓練、地主國的適應程度會對海外派遣人員的工作績效有所影響。 4為了使海外派遣人員對地主國生活環境更能適應,未來國內企業在甄選海外派遣人員應盡量選用年輕、有外派經驗、身體健康狀況與過去工作績效良好的員工,其次在派遣前應針對地主國政治與風俗習慣對海外派遣人員施以必要的訓練。


As the Mainland authority announced its open policy in 1979 and the government of ROC issued its permissions of visiting and investment in Mainland in 1989, many companies in Taiwan have invested in Mainland heavily with accelerated pace, especially for those primary companies with intensive labors requirement including livelihood, electronic, mechanical and petrochemistry industries. However, due to lacking experiences in cross cultural management and overseas investment, many companies have encountered some problems including arguments between owners and employees, bad living adaptation of expatriates in the host countries, etc. The results have negative influences on company operation. This study thus focuses on the expatriates in these four industries. The purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To evaluate the selecting criteria, training program and living adaptation among expatriates of livelihood, electronic, mechanical and petrochemistry industries. 2. To explore the influences of the expatriate's selecting criteria to the expatriate's living adaptation in the host countries. 3. To investigate the influences of the expatriate's training program to the expatriate's living adaptation in the host countries. 4. To evaluate the influences of the expatriate's selecting criteria to the expatriate's working performances. 5. To verify the influences of the expatriate's training program to the expatriate's working performances. Through a series of questionnaire survey and personal interview, this study concludes the following results. 1. Expatriates from Taiwanese companies to Mainland can not adapt the administrative procedures of the Chinese government of Mainland China. When firms select expatiates, they consider age, health, ability and the willingness of the overseas living. They also emphasize the training on professional technology, illustration of host countries, language and courtesy. 2. Taiwanese overseas expatriates with better health condition, more past working and expatriate experiences, higher understandings of the customs and habits of the host countries, more trainings on political and legal issues may result in better living and working adaptation in the host countries. 3. The selecting criteria, training program, and living adaptation of a firm's expatriates may impact on the expatriate's working performances in the host countries. 4. In order to arrange better living adaptation of expatriates in the host countries, it is suggested that Taiwanese firms should select younger expatriates with overseas working experiences, better health conditions and better past working performance. In addition, it is also suggested that expatriates should take necessary training program, especially on political, legal and cultural issues.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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