


The Model of Transfering Technology from Mainland China by Taiwan's Companys




蔡渭水(Wei-Suei Tsai);楊仲偉(Chung-Wei Yang)


技術移轉 ; 技術移轉模式 ; 技術移轉類型 ; 知識移轉




19卷2期(2000 / 05 / 01)


113 - 137




台灣傳統產業基於降低成本之考量而將生產基地移至工資低廉之地區。而大陸之科研機構在缺乏充足之經費下運作日趨困難。如何讓台商與大陸機構合作並取得所需技術以強化本身之競爭力為本研究之探討焦點。本研究採用深入訪談之方式探討這些廠商自大陸技術移轉之動機、類型以及技術移轉之模式。 本研究發現台商多半因為所需技術過於先進或是外商索價甚高,因而轉往大陸尋求協助。技術移轉來源並不侷限於科研機構,亦有來自民間公司。而其採用技術移轉之方式則為公開市場採購、策略聯盟與外部輔助與內部研發三種方式。根據本次研究之發現產生出六個研究命題:1.技術知識吸收能力會影響知識建構方式。2.產業生命週期會影響技術知識移轉類型。3.技術知識外顯性較低者多有引進大陸專業人才;技術知識外顯性較高者較無引進專業人才。4.廠商之技術吸收能力會影響廠商是否引進大陸專業人才協助廠商接收技術知識。5.技術移轉標的物外顯性較高之廠商多採用市場購買及策略聯盟,技術移轉標的物外顯性較低之廠商多採用外部輔助內部研發。


For decreasing their cost, the Taiwan's traditional industries' companys move their production base to the areas the income is lower. In the meantime, the China's technological research and development departments lack the expenditure to maintain their operation. Thie study wants to know how let the Taiwan's companys cooperate with the China's technological research and development departments. This study found the Taiwna's companys cooperate with the China's research and development departments because the technologys they need are too advanced or the other countrys' companys they own this technology ask higher prices. The objects the Taiwan's companys cooperate with are including not only the companys but also the research and development departments. The model they use are including buying in the market, alliance and cooperating between the companys. From these foundings of this study, we found six propositions: 1. The abilty of absorbing will influence the model of transferring the technology. 2. The industry life cycle will influence the technology transferring's antitype. 3. The degree of the articulable knowledge influce the decision of the Taiwan's companys to adhibit the China's professional aces. 4. The abilty of absorbing will influence the decision of the Taiwan's companys to adhibit the China's professional aces. 5. The degree of the technology transferring objects's articulation will influence the model of the technology transferring. 6. If the Taiwan's companys have patents, the will use the alliance, if the Taiwan's companys do not have patents, they will use the model of the buying in the market and cooperating between the companys.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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