


A Study on American Leading Brand of Fast Food Industry Development in Taiwan




詹定宇(Ding-Yu Chan);李玉文(Yu-Wen Lee)


連鎖經營 ; 跨國發展 ; 速食業 ; 縱貫法 ; chain-store management ; cross-national development ; fast food industry ; longitudinal approach




19卷2期(2000 / 05 / 01)


57 - 88






Transnational services have become important in recent year. In the published research, however, there has been little mention of longitudinal data tracking the sequences of foreign investment. As the factors affecting foreign firms' decisions on how they enter the market change, the original entry strategy will be modified. Those factors include host country's environment, home company's international strategy and the cooperation with host country firm. In this paper, we study American leading brand of fast foods (McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut) on how they develop their business in Taiwan over the past decades. This study, covering a fifteen-year period (1983-1998) of data collection and depth interviews, examines changes of American fast foods in Taiwan over phases of penetration, modification and expansion. This article offers insight into what strategies of cross-national management American fast foods have being using. To those Taiwan's entrepreneurs attempting to go abroad or establish chain-store business, this article also gives good advises.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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