


Review and Foresight for the Knowledge Management Literature: Taxonomy from the Operation-based and Strategy-based Perspectives




譚大純(David D. C. Tarn)


知識管理 ; 分類學 ; 文獻回顧 ; 命題 ; Knowledge Management ; Taxonomy ; Literature Review ; Proposition Making




20卷4期(2001 / 10 / 01)


93 - 135






Most literature tended to focus the Knowledge Management (KM) issue on some particular fields, while neglected to discuss it with a broader perspective. Even some disciplines take KM, IT and education & training as one. Besides, major literature paid much attention to the ”operational perspective” (OP) of KM, but failed to concern the ”strategic perspective”(SP) of KM. In order to improve this, this study devides the KM issue into the operational and strategic perspectives, and accordingly reviews related KM literature. The author reviews OP literature by the following parts: 1. Knowledge Selection/Mining, 2. Knowledge Obtaining, 3. Knowledge Learning, 4. Knowledge Creation, 5. Knowledge Diffusion, 6. Knowledge Constructing/Coding, 7. Knowledge Warehousing, 8. Management Culture For Knowledge, and 9. Management Mechanism For Knowledge. Moreover, the SP literature is reviewed by 10 SP attributes. Following these works, 20 propositions are built, which would be meaningful for the practices and academic efforts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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