


The Study of Differential Relationships between Human Resource Management Practices Perception and Employees' Attitude and Performance: Psychological Contract and Social Exchange Perspectives




黃家齊(Jia-Chi Huang)


人力資源管理 ; 心理契約 ; 交易型契約 ; 關係型契約 ; 經濟性交換 ; 社會性交換 ; human resource management ; psychological contract ; transactional contract ; relational contract ; economic exchange ; social exchange




21卷4期(2002 / 10 / 01)


101 - 127






In the perspective of psychological contract and social excahange, we argue that human resource management practices play two roles. One is economic incentives' giving, the other is human capital investment. We explored these two different kinds of human resources management practices' effect on employee's attitudes (including intent to stay, trust, distributive justice, formal procedural justice, interactional justice, affective commitment, and normative commitment) and performances (including task performance and organizational citizenship behavior). Generally, the results show that Employees' perception about human capital investment practice has positive relationships with employees' attitudes and performance, and economic incentives' giving practice perception also has positive relationships with employees' attitudes. But the strength of relationships between these two practices and employees' attitudes and performances have significantly differences. Economic incentives' giving practice is related to distributive justice more significantly than human capital investment practice. In contrary, human capital investment practice is related to intent to stay, affective commitment, task performance and organizational citizenship behavior more significantly.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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