


EC Employee Turnover Intention: An Empirical Study




盧希鵬(Hsi-Peng Lu);林泓君(Jennifer H. C. Lin);林娟娟(Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin)


電子商務 ; 自我效能理論 ; 科技接受模式 ; Electronic Commerce ; Self-efficacy Theory ; Technology Acceptance Model




22卷2期(2003 / 04 / 01)


111 - 129




電子商務產業近年來蓬勃發展,然而電子商務相關人員流動率居高不下,導致電子商務人才需求與管理面臨重大困境。基於此,本文採用自我效能理論(self-efficacy theory)與科技接受模式(technology acceptance model),探討電子商務人員對其電子商務職場的生涯抉擇認知行為。研究對象以參與「第一屆電子商務人才線上知能模擬考」活動之受測者為樣本,共發出3257份問卷,有效回收問卷數為571份。研究結果發現欲提昇在電子商務領域工作的意願,就在校生而言,可以透過提高其電子商務知能自信心,以及承諾獎勵的方式。就在職者而言,可以透過實質的獎勵及其電子商務知能自信心的方式來達成。


The growing popularity of Internet application has brought enormous new business opportunity for many entrepreneurs. However, the high turnover rate of EC personnel has resulted an increase in the operational cost for the EC companies. Therefore, effective retention of the qualified EC personnel becomes an important challenge among EC companies. In this paper, a model based on Technology Acceptance Model and Self-efficacy Theory was proposed and tested to gain a better understanding of the EC personnel's behavior in career-related decision. After analyzing 571 samples gathered from the Internet, the result suggested that: 1.By increasing students' EC self-efficacy and their job expectation, Students would develop preferences to work in EC-related jobs. Their intention to stay in EC-related jobs would also increase. 2.As to the current EC employees, increasing their job expectation will increase their preferences to work in EC-related projects. This, in turn, will raise their EC self-efficacy as well as their willingness to remain in EC-related job. 3.The result also showed that subjective norm would influence employee's willingness to stay in EC-related work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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