


An Empirical Study on the Relationship of Green Innovation Adoption and Organizational Environmental Performance by the Antecedence of Stakerholders




黃義俊(Yi-Chun Huang);高明瑞(Ming-Rea Kao)


綠色創新的採行 ; 利害相關人 ; 組織環境績效 ; Green innovation adoption ; Stakeholders ; Organizational environmental performance




22卷3期(2003 / 07 / 01)


91 - 121




有關企業與環境議題的研究,自1990年起才陸續產生,不過,這些研究大多僅關注於探討企業為因應環保法規的日趨嚴格所採取的反應策略,只有少部份探討企業為何而做,尤其缺乏整合性以及相關的實證之研究。職此之故,本研究試圖回答下列三個研究問題:1.企業回應環境的綠色創新做法為何?2.影響企業綠色創新之利害相關人的因素有哪些?3.綠色創新對企業的環境績效影響為何? 本研究將綠色創新的採行分為綠色技術創新的採行和綠色行政管理創新的採行;而利害相關人則分為內部的、法律的、市場的、社群的與媒體的等五類的利害相關人;組織環境績效則分為環境管理績效與環境作業績效。本研究以台灣地區於2000年12月底獲得ISO 14001驗證的化學材料業、化學品製造業、電子和資訊以及機電業等廠家為抽樣構架進行實證研究。從235份有效樣本中研究發現:在相關性方面,綠色技術與行政管理創新的採行與利害相關人各子構面中內部的、法律的、市場的、社群的和媒體的利害相關人呈顯著正相關。組織環境績效各子構面與綠色技術與行政管理創新的採行均呈顯著正相關。在差異性方面,綠色創新的採行上,化學製造業明顯高於電子和資訊業與機電業;不過,在組織環境績效的滿意程度上,化學製造業低於電子和資訊業與機電業。


The researches on business and green issues have sprouted since the middle of 1990s. However, these researches only discuss the responding strategies adopted by businesses sector because of stricter regulations. The specialties of the researches conducted were based on understanding ”What companies do” rather than ”Why do they do it”? Base on the explanations above, this study tries to answer the three research topics: 1. Organization response to the environmental issues what is the green innovation to be adopted? 2. What are the stakeholders' factors to influence the green innovation? 3. How does green innovation impact on organizational performance? This research divides the adoption of green innovation into the adoption of green technical innovation and the adoption of green administrative innovation. Meanwhile, this research divides the stakeholders into five categories and divides the environmental performance into managerial and operational performance. The samples taken in this study are mainly from Taiwan's four manufacturing sectors which have earned the ISO-14001 certificates prior to the end of 2000. From 235 effective samples, our empirical results indicate that the adoption of green technical and administrative innovation have apparently positive correlation with inside, regulatory, market, community and madium's stakeholders. With regard to the adoption of green innovation, there are significant differences on different industries. Generally speaking, Chemical manufacturing industries than electronics, information and telecommunication industries have more practices on the adoption of green technical and administrative innovation. In respect of the organizational environmental performance, Chemical manufacturing industries are lower than electronics, information and telecommunication industries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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