


The Structural Model Analysis of Information System Integration Capability, Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management Capability and Competitive Advantage-An Empirical and Comparative Study on




施坤壽(Kun-Shou Shih)


資訊系統整合能力 ; 全面品質管理 ; 供應鏈管理能力 ; 競爭優勢 ; Information System Integration Capability ; Total Quality Management ; Supply Chain Management Capability ; Competitive Advantage




22卷4期(2003 / 10 / 01)


1 - 33




由於全球化經營趨勢興起、科技進步及產業環境的改變,企業已不再是單獨的自主體系,而是將上下游整合成一供應鏈,共同因應市場競爭。本研究係以供應鏈管理為研究主軸,並以技術及管理層面之整合觀點,進行企業運用資訊系統整合全面品質管理等管理技術,透過供應鏈管理實施,創造企業競爭優勢之整合性模式分析。 本研究主要模式架構以LISREL模式進行檢定,其結果值χ^2為93.557,P值為0.903,GFI值為0.935,AGFI值是0.912,RMR值為0.025,顯示本研究整體模式之適合度頗佳。研究結果顯示,資訊系統整合能力對全面品質管理及供應鏈管理的推動都具有顯著的正面影響,並進而影響企業競爭優勢的建立;又全面品質管理的推動對供應鏈管理能力的提升也具有顯著之正面影響。高科技與傳統產業在整體模式上具有差異,其中以資訊系統整合能力、全面品質管理及供應鏈管理能力三構念對競爭優勢的影響具有差異。且上述各構念之影響效果,高科技產業皆較傳統產業為佳。此結果說明因產業特性的影響,傳統產業在資訊系統整合能力上相對顯得不足,也因而造成傳統產業在經由資訊系統整合供應鏈管理的推動以獲取企業競爭優勢之效果並不顯著。 根據實證研究結果我們可以得知,現階段台灣產業應加速其資訊系統整合能力,並整合全面品質管理等管理技術,在面對知識經濟時代的來臨,透過供應鏈管理之建構,才能提高其顧客服務的價值,快速反應經營環境之變遷,強化其競爭能力,追求企業永續發展。


Due to the emergence of global operation, the improvement of technology, and the change of industrial environment, business is no longer an independent administration system. In fact, business has been integrated into a supply chain to resiliently respond to marketing competition. The purpose of this thesis is to study supply chain management, in combination with other techniques including information system integration, total quality management, to create a model analysis of business competitive advantage. The whole model was analyzed by LISREL and shown as follows: χ^2-93.577, p value-0.903, GFI-0.935, AGFI-0.912, RMR-0.025. These findings indicate the adequacy of this model system in its business application. The results indicate that the information system integration capability not only has a significantly positive impact on total quality management, and supply chain management, but also assists the establishment of competitive advantage. High technology and traditional industry have significant difference in the model system. In general, the performance of high technology is better than traditional industry. The impact of information system integration capability, total quality management and supply chain management capability on business competitive advantage, is significantly greater in high technology than those of traditional industry. These data show that tradition industry is inadequate in the information system integration capability, which, in turn, leads to business competitive disadvantage in information system and supply chain management. In conclusion, current industry in Taiwan should accelerate their information system integration capability and integrate total quality management in the administration. In the era of fast-expanding economics, business should build on the supply chain management to increase the value of the customer service, prudently correspond to the environmental change, reinforce competitive ability, and pursue the ultimately everlasting success.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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