


Personal Networks, Network Benefits, and Career Success




陳心田(Shin-Tien Chen)


社會資本 ; 人際網絡 ; 網絡利益 ; 事業生涯成功 ; Social Capital ; Personal Networks ; Network Benefits ; and Career Success




22卷4期(2003 / 10 / 01)


101 - 127






Following the research stream of social capital, this study tries to find the relationships among personal networks, network benefits, and career success using a sample of 425 employees from various industries and organizations by controlling their gender, seniority, education level, occupations, and firm sizes. The empirical research, using Structural Equations Model, showed that: (1)The higher degree of individual network heterogeneity was, the higher accessing information quality was, and then the higher the extent of job achievement was. (2)The higher degree of individual network heterogeneity was, the higher accessing information quality was, and then there was no significant effect on the extent of career satisfaction. (3)The higher degree of individual network heterogeneity was, the more career sponsorship was, and then the higher the extent of job achievement was. (4)The higher degree of individual network heterogeneity was, the higher career sponsorship was, and then the higher the extent of career satisfaction was. (5)The stronger intensity of interaction with other actors was, the less accessing information quality was, and then the higher the extent of job achievement was. (6)The stronger intensity of interaction with other actors were, the less accessing information quality was, and then there was no significant effect on the extent of career satisfaction. (7)The stronger intensity of interaction with other actors were, the more career sponsorship was, and then the higher the extent of job achievement was. (8)The stronger intensity of interaction with other actors was, the more career sponsorship was, and then the higher the extent of career satisfaction was.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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