


The Impact of Incentives, Brand Differences, and Individual's Sensation Seeking on the Effectiveness of Banner Advertisements: An On-line Quasi-Experiment




郭貞(Cheng Kuo);張卿卿(Ching-Ching Chang)


廣告誘因 ; 品牌態度 ; 購買意願 ; 感官刺激需求 ; 網路廣告 ; 線上準實驗 ; incentives ; brand attitude ; purchase intention ; sensation seeking ; internet advertising ; online experiment




22卷4期(2003 / 10 / 01)


81 - 100




國內外許多調查都顯示,有贈獎促銷活動等誘因的網路廣告最受網友的青睞。本研究乃以網路橫幅廣告中的贈獎促銷活動和品牌差異為主要的操弄變項,以線上實驗方式來檢測贈獎誘因、品牌差異、以及個人因素對於網路廣告效果之影響。本研究為了模擬網友在網上瀏覽的真實情境,與國內的知名入口網站蕃薯藤數位資訊公司合作執行,以「網路線上準實驗」方式進行。本研究以蕃薯藤會員名單作為樣本,寄發電子郵件邀請會員參與線上實驗,提供抽獎誘因鼓勵會員的參與意願。在三週的實驗期間共有4683位網友回應,參與本次實驗。 本研究發現感官刺激需求較高者對廣告與品牌的態度都比感官刺激需求低者更正面,尤其對有贈獎誘因的廣告感官需求高者更為偏好。贈獎誘因、品牌差異與感官刺激需求三者間存在顯著的交互效應。換言之,對知名品牌而言,感官刺激需求高者特別偏好有贈獎誘因的廣告;感官需求低者對廣告有無誘因並未呈現廣告態度上的差異性。但是這個現象只出現在受試者對知名品牌的反應,對不知名的新品牌並無此顯著的交互效果。


It has been reported repeatedly that a banner ad with incentives is a very effective device in attracting on-line users' attention and in increasing the click through rate of the ad. This study examined the impact of the presence of incentives, brand differences, and individual's sensation seeking on consumers' attitude toward the banner advertisement, toward the brand and their purchase intention of the advertised brand. With the collaboration of the largest ISP on Taiwan, the researchers conducted an online quasi-experiment in data collection. 4683 people responded to our e-mail invitation and participated in the experiment. Results from the analyses indicated that subjects with a higher level of sensation seeking tended to have more positive attitude toward the banner ad., the advertised brand, and a stronger purchase intention. Two-way and three-way interaction effects were also observed such that subjects with a higher level of sensation seeking showed a more favorable attitude toward the ad., and the advertised brand, however, this effect was significant only when the subjects were exposed to the well-known brand. For those who exposed to a new brand, no differences were found with regard to the presence of incentives.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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