


Service Recovery Effects: An Inter-cultural Service Encounters Examination




黃吉村(Chi-Tsun Huang);渥頓(Clyde A. Warden);李奇勳(Chi-Hsun Lee);劉宗其(Tsung-Chi Liu)


服務接觸 ; 跨文化 ; 重要事件法 ; 雪上加霜 ; Inter-culture ; Service Encounters ; Critical Incident Techniques CIT ; Double Deviation




23卷3期(2004 / 07 / 01)


23 - 52




隨著國際交流往來密切,服務業要面對的不再僅止於本國消費者,外國消費者的比例已逐漸加重,跨文化服務議題將日形重要,尤其服務失誤的避免與補償措施的應用都會影響服務提供者的商譽,不容忽視。Stauss & Mang認為跨文化的事後歸因會降低服務期望水準,使服務績效缺口縮小,然而其並未考慮補償效果。本文則加入補償效果,並以網路調查進行重要事件法收集資料,據此探討消費者在國內與海外,對服務失誤的認定與補償措施評價是否有差異,且與Stauss & Mang模式兩相對照,提出可能的解釋。研究結果發現:消費者對服務失誤認定的參考架構不依時空而變,因此對服務失誤的認定,並不因在國內、外之文化情境不同而有差異。當服務提供者於服務失誤後採取負面回應的補償措施時,不分國內外,均出現文獻所稱的「雪上加霜」效果,使原已不佳的滿意度進一步惡化。不過,當有滿意的補償措施時,消費者會有正向的歸因,因此事後認知的滿意水準提高使服務提供的績效缺口縮小,而且跨文化的經濟補償具有如放大鏡般的擴大效果,其補償滿意度會大於本國業者的補償效果。


Although inter-cultural encounters raise numerous complex issues, they are growing in frequency. This study examined inter-cultural service encounters experienced at restaurants, in order to compare the stages consumers go through in domestic and foreign settings when judging satisfaction of the service. Chinese restaurant customers' service failure experiences both inside and outside a Chinese cultural setting are explored. This research follows Stauss and Mang's model that consumers may change their expectation level after encountering service failure abroad. We also inspect the recovery effects that Stauss and Mang ignored. Yet findings show that Chinese consumers do in fact retain their service expectations while traveling to foreign cultures. However, when experiencing service failures, there is a benefit given to foreign positive service recoveries and especially the compensation benefit is greater than that of domestic same recovery. But if consumers were offered negative service recoveries, the double deviation effect that dissatisfaction deteriorates will emerge and intercultural negative recoveries will obtain similar outcomes in return as do domestic cases.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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